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Server problems (invalid game folder)


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Hi all. Just got back from a rather aggravating "game" of JA. Ok first. I find a nice Siege server. 15/16 players, desert siege, WOOOOHOO perfect! Right? Wrong. Connect, "Server is Full", I say ok. I go back and refresh to see if there was really 16 players on the server. Refresh Server List. Nope, still 15/16. I try again, "Server is full".


Ok so there I am really frustrated. I hit get new list. Almost every Siege server is locked, empty, full, or "full". I am so mad now, so I leave JA MP for 15 minutes or so. I come back. Look up siege servers. One server 15/16. Here I am like "yeah right". I connect and it says "Awaiting gamestate" instead of "Server is full". YES! WOOOOOT!!!! It's loading....."blah blah blah loading weapons, blah blah blah loading characters....awaiting snapshot. "YES this is FINNALY THE MOMENT BABY YEAHHHHHHHH!!!!"


"Invalid Game Folder"

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At least you can see the games. Ive had the same problems with jk2 in the beginning with ctf. Well wait a while, i mean siege will be popular and enjoyed or crappy and dumped remember capture the 4 sylable whatever. Enjoy the other game types tho

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Originally posted by aXoe

At least you can see the games. Ive had the same problems with jk2 in the beginning with ctf. Well wait a while, i mean siege will be popular and enjoyed or crappy and dumped remember capture the 4 sylable whatever. Enjoy the other game types tho


Sorry.. but I feel that this may be wrong.... at least this is not the case all the time, and definately not in my case.


I have the retail version, with the dedicated server (Internal, Aug 6) and I have friends with the retail version that cannot connect. They never had the beta and they still have the issue.

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When connecting to a server (after the "awaiting gamestate" command) it sometimes quits to main menu and says "invalid game folder." I presume its because the server is a warez server? Or is it something else? Is there any way to stop/ see its a warez server before connecting?

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