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a simple solution to the kick controversy


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How to Catch a Flag Carrier

You and a team mate find a nice spot

Saber lock

One of you falls down

Just as this happens, the enemy flag carrier should be coming by

And then BAM! you nail him with the ground kick!


Now you stupid CTF'ers have nothing to complain about, I've just given you one MORE effective move (in addition to increasing saber damage and grip-throw, that is)

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lmao @ pyro.


You know what we could do? We could implement an honor system. ****, that's an awesome idea. We could implement an honor system where when you got the flag, you had to find each and every member of the other team and turn off your saber and bow to them. Once you did that, you have to hold walk down and slowly make it to your base. If you get back to your base, then you turn your saber off and wait 15 minutes. If nobody has killed you by then, THEN you're allowed to cap.

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Originally posted by lllKyNeSlll

Also for the tenloss, it would be much easier to snipe if one could do it and instantly start moving again such as in single player and jk2 multiplayer. The fact that you have to wait like almost one second really makes it hard to do closer sniping. The built in movment while in scope mode is be less useful than the ability to snipe and unscope fast.


I agree 100%. The Tenloss is my favorite weapon in JK2, but as it is now in JA it's really annoying. This change is quite simply retarded. Did anyone complain that the Tenloss was too powerful before? What was Raven thinking when they did this? I just don't understand... :confused::(

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Originally posted by the weiner dog!

I did find one use for it:


I kicked some guy in the face with one today while he was in that bow animation.


kind of funny actually.



ROFLMAO, I wish I was there to see that. Let me guess, after you did that he said, "You have no honor!" or some bs like that.

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