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Who would like to see things changed in JA (post now or forever hold ur peace)


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People who like it the way it is, my advice is that u stay out of this topic, if u dont want to hear this constant ranting about a mediocre game that could be a truly great game, dont post ur opinions here cause they arent welcome and they wont be taken as such.


Now, Raven......


Multiplayer seriously needs fixing. I know u cant make everyone happy but u fundamentally changed the way a whole generation of JK players played this game. Kicking was/is far too important to have been taken out, there is no excuse for that IMO.


The movement in the game is a mixed bag, I dont really like the way that ur character "turns", it feels more like "round" movement rather than 8-way.(maybe thats just me)


Pace has been slowed to molasses, nuff said


Guys the game is great, there just needs to be some official refinements in the gameplay. You guys have the graphics down, no worries there, and the customization is great. Its just that the physics should have been better, and with the amount of posts concerning these matters, I'm sure u realize this.




I ask only the people who would wish to see this game changed, post in this topic about their experiences and troubles.


Thank you for ur time

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Originally posted by Remij

The movement in the game is a mixed bag, I dont really like the way that ur character "turns", it feels more like "round" movement rather than 8-way.(maybe thats just me)

what are you talking about? forward, forward right, right, backward right, backward, backward left, left, forward left... there's eight.

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i'll be brief:



removed lame kicking

more saber moves (katas)

more saber styles (dual saber... YES!!!)

wall hang (like spiderman)

run up wall

jump from ground kick (to kill lamer who try to ground hit)



no darth maul skin

no darth vader skin

single player is way too hard even on the lowest difficulty (how do u beat the two jedi pairs??)

speed doesn't make you go as fast as episode 1 yoda (i wish raven made it more like the movies)


all in all, very good game, should keep out the so-called "1337" guys who are really just newbies spamming stupid kick over and over. OWNED!

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Well here is a simple solution:


Rather than make everything nerfed by default, why not make things high damage/no restrictions then have the cvars there to nerf them if the few servers who want everything slowed down choose to do so?



-Saber only game types should have the default damage scale on par with g_saberDamageScale 2


Right now, you can heal at 3 times the rate you can damage, and nerfing drain is just going in the wrong direction once again.




-The double tap/side kicks from Jedi Outcast should be on by default for single saber users and double saber users but can be toggled off.


(I've seen a lot of "WTF why can't I kick in the other stances?" posts from as many fan boys as I have competitive players)



-The grip line of sight restriction is totally removed (what purpose does grip serve if the "gripped" can not be moved out of push/pull range?)



-The Force usage restriction for *basic specials needs to be a toggle setting as well and off by default.


If a few servers want to "limit people to 4 lunges per minute" great, go for it.


But do not hinder and screw up every other game type or require them to use a regen time of 0 (which makes drain, team energize and team heal 10000 times more potent) just to use these moves when they are needed in the heat of game play.



-The sniper scope delay needs to be lifted.


(Why was this even nerfed to begin with?)



A cvar for an un nerfed roll (the roll was nerfed in Jk2 1.02 and 1.03, then un nerfed in 1.04 only to be nerfed again even worse in Jedi Academy...) option.


I know some people may argue that it is "unreal" to roll faster than you can run, so increase the running speed a little to be on par with the roll then.


Right now the basic "locked in a 4 point box" roll is pretty damn useless as an evasive move unlike it was in Jedi Outcast.




pyro is one of "us" the competitive players.


He's being sarcastic so don’t take that post seriously people.

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People. Pleas understand that you will not be able to play Jedi Academy the same way you play Jedi Outcast. Please do not try to play them the same way. SERIOUS issues can be addressed, but nitpicks (like kick) are best left alone. We all need to start accepting that this is how JA is, and we have to live with it.


[/peacemaker] :p

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Originally posted by boinga1

People. Pleas understand that you will not be able to play Jedi Academy the same way you play Jedi Outcast. Please do not try to play them the same way. SERIOUS issues can be addressed, but nitpicks (like kick) are best left alone. We all need to start accepting that this is how JA is, and we have to live with it.


[/peacemaker] :p


So there was a spinning DFA in 1.03?


There were 1 hit kill back stabs in 1.04?



I'm not going to flame you but are not part of part of the competitive community, you have no clue how this impacted it so please refrain from making standard trite comments just to get noticed.


In reality (sorry if this is harsh) you are a casual fan and player of mediocre skill at best. (nothing wrong with that at all, you are actually a very nice guy boinga1)


Chances are whatever changes are made to help the competitive community have games that are not 30 minute 0/0 stale mates will not affect you in any way due to the small amount of time you put into game play development.


I really am sorry if you take that as a flame, because it was not meant to be.


But I'm growing incredibly tired of the "can not's" and "could not's" thinking they can tell the "can's" and "could's" of this game how things are done.


I.E. the mediocre players lecturing the best ones on game play issues.


And before anyone of you say "How can you say you're the best it's only been out 3 days".


Again I'll remind you people, it is 85% Jedi Outcast.


None of you could beat [div3rse], =X=, =AX=, [MS3], // rk or FK in a game of CTF if played right now, and none of you could take the members of aP or shockwave/FK duel if played right now.


And this is all because so much was ported over from the previous version and so little new content exists.


So please, unless you are/were considered "elite" by the majority of this community, pipe down with the soap box Oprah talk show please give me applause everyone! rants.

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"single player is way too hard even on the lowest difficulty (how do u beat the two jedi pairs??)"




I think they definatly need more siege maps. I mean why are they going to have a whole new mode of play completely differnt from all the other and they have only 3(!?!?!) maps.

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Originally posted by the weiner dog!

So there was a spinning DFA in 1.03?


There were 1 hit kill back stabs in 1.04?



I'm not going to flame you but are not part of part of the competitive community, you have no clue how this impacted it so please refrain from making standard trite comments just to get noticed.


In reality (sorry if this is harsh) you are a casual fan and player of mediocre skill at best. (nothing wrong with that at all, you are actually a very nice guy boinga1)


Chances are whatever changes are made to help the competitive community have games that are not 30 minute 0/0 stale mates will not affect you in any way due to the small amount of time you put into game play development.


I really am sorry if you take that as a flame, because it was not meant to be.


But I'm growing incredibly tired of the "can not's" and "could not's" thinking they can tell the "can's" and "could's" of this game how things are done.


I.E. the mediocre players lecturing the best ones on game play issues.


And before anyone of you say "How can you say you're the best it's only been out 3 days".


Again I'll remind you people, it is 85% Jedi Outcast.


None of you could beat [div3rse], =X=, =AX=, [MS3], // rk or FK in a game of CTF if played right now, and none of you could take the members of aP or shockwave/FK duel if played right now.


And this is all because so much was ported over from the previous version and so little new content exists.


So please, unless you are/were considered "elite" by the majority of this community, pipe down with the soap box Oprah talk show please give me applause everyone! rants.


You're '1337' status does nothing for you here, just be cause you sit on a chair more hours a day than me does not mean only you are allowed to voice your opinion on this game. We play this game too, and we can say whatever the hell we want about it. We don't want kick in the game? We say it, and we have every right that you do to say it. Now, leave us alone with this '1337' crap or take your giant ego elsewhere.

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Originally posted by Pyro

i'll be brief:



removed lame kicking

more saber moves (katas)

more saber styles (dual saber... YES!!!)

wall hang (like spiderman)

run up wall

jump from ground kick (to kill lamer who try to ground hit)



no darth maul skin

no darth vader skin

single player is way too hard even on the lowest difficulty (how do u beat the two jedi pairs??)

speed doesn't make you go as fast as episode 1 yoda (i wish raven made it more like the movies)


all in all, very good game, should keep out the so-called "1337" guys who are really just newbies spamming stupid kick over and over. OWNED!


Lol Pyro, you made my night. Spider man wall grab HAHA!:D

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I personaly want to see single saber made better. I played with it for a good 10 hours today (It's sunday, no work, no homework, I finaly got a day to do nothing except play video games, please don't tell me I'm lazy...) and I must say I died a lot. Not from my lack of skill, but rather the kids spamming the dualbladder katta, and these magic random 1 hit kills. It's too easy to pick double sabers and dual bladed and spam moves and be good. It takes a certain level of skill to use single saber, and I must say no one is making the effort to learn to use single saber.


Toward the end of the night I got into a vapped mode and started owning with my single saber, but it took me 10 hours to get it right. Most people arnt going to waste 10 hours getting good at single when they can just spawm double bladder twirlys of doom and kill left and right. If ingle bladed saber is the most popular among Jedi, can we please make it like that in game somehow? Make it harder to be good with dual and staffs, like it's ment to be?


I dunno maybe it's just me, but it's annoying the heck out of me, I was in a game where there were 14 people with saber staffs one with dual and me with single, and ya know what? a lot of games are like that right now.........



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The stuff I want probably won't happen, but I'll contribute since this thread was supposed to be about constructive feedback (I assume).


- Full demo recording support in SP (just like MP).


- Proper swimming animations and underwater saber support (like JK1 and MotS had).


- Full bot support for Siege mode (at least as good as CTF, I know it's not perfect, but something).


- Have bots actually follow orders given them if you are designated the team leader, like in Q3 or UT.


- Semi-transparent internal skin added to allow "First Person Lightsaber" option in MP or SP (but primarily MP), like JK2 1.04 had.


- Option to use JK2 style "flip kicks" in MP with any saber type or stance (as long as you had Level 2 Force Jump or higher). Notice I said "option." It could be made part of g_debugmelee for example.


Otherwise, as far as I'm concerned, the game is fine. A few of those options could be added by dedicated modders, and I know most of the other things I'd like to see will be modded (like new Siege Maps), so I'm not worried.


If patches are made for this game, I hope they add options and fix bugs, but don't change gameplay. Much as some people want the gameplay changed, many more will be upset if that happens (see the JK2 patches). I'm sure they got it right with JA, so that's what I'm hoping stays.


Just my 2 cents. This is if I could have whatever I wanted for the game. ; )

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