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Boss fight scenes *MAJOR SPOILERS*

Gen. PhyL

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Wow. The scene where Alora and Jaden fight, and Rosh gets his left arm sliced off was awesome. I wish there was more of that in the game. I especially liked the whole "Rosh turns to the darkside" deal and then is finally redeemed at the end. I dont know about all you other JA players out there, but I thought the lightside ending was satisfying.


The thing I didn't really like is the last fight with Tavion. I beat it in ONE try. I played the game on Jedi difficulty, so I understand that it's not as difficult as it could have been. Although I found myself struggling with some of the in-game dark Jedi more than I did with Tavion.


Any thoughts?



[Andy867's Note: Next Time, just edit your posts to include spoiler tages


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Guys I'm so sorry for forgetting to post *spoiler* on this post. I take full responsibility for my actions and I apologize for my lack of consideration.


Fellow memebers, I'm once again so sorry for my mistake.


Please all forgive me for my error.


I'm new to this forum, and I'm still learning. Please, forgive me.

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