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Finished JA. *possible spoilers...*

Sam Fisher

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Yes, I'd have to agree that the cinematics were much improved this time around, although a few of them felt a bit 'cut short'.


As for the game length, it took me about 20 hours as well.


I preferred all of the 'core' missions, to be honest (Hoth, Vjun, Taspir III and Korriban), but of the tiered missions I enjoyed the Sandcrawler, the Gas platform one with Wedge, and the Swoop chase. The tram was also good, and the encounter with Boba Fett on Ord Mantell. I felt several of the tier missions could have been better fleshed out in terms of story and design.

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Yes, my favourites were the core missions as well. I didn't really like the "run around the place defusing bombs" kinda levels. I prefer a more varied (even if linear) design.


I was looking forward to the Coruscant level, but was really dissapointed. It just didn't have that Corucant feel. I looked too much like Nar Shadda or something from previous JK games. Then again, to be fair, it would be kinda hard to do.


The level with the Noghri was quite good, though I was a bit dissapointed with the Noghri AI. I thought they were supposed to be formidable fighters? They drop like flies when I start slicing.


When I heard them mention Dagobah, I was hoping there wouldbe a Dagobah mission. You know, a darker, creepier version of the Yavin mission in Outcast. It would be cool to visit the Cave (and see Yoda's ruined house).


I think the swoop-bike level was one of my favourites.


The mutated Rancor level, while short, is also really good.

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