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Jedi Knight Clan


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Alright any of you who are interesyed in joing a Clan for the old Jedi Knight game PM me with your clan info and I will PM you back.



If you e-mail me my dad will be made so just PM me with your info.



The clans name- Jedi Knights of the Republic


Also anyone good with web site making PM me and we'll talk on Chat sometime about making the site or we can talk by PM's.


Now for the Ranks from highest to lowest for the light side-



Jedi God


Jedi Master


Jedi Gardean


Jedi Knight


Jedi Warrior


Jedi Defender


Jedi Intate


Jedi Leaner






Temple Student


Now for Dark Side-


Sith God


Sith Master


Dark Lord of the Sith


Dark Knight


Dark Warrior of the Force


Sith Destoryer


Sith Intate


Sith Learner






Temple Student



Also I would like to start a forum so if someone can do that ,that would be great!


Also to take on a Apperentice you must be a Jedi Knight or Dark Knight.


Thanks and I hope you join!

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Hey Reclaimer, welcome to the clan forums


BUT, you might want to make more sence. :p


For instance: Any of you interested in joining a clan....... PM me with your clan info


Thats kinda confusing. Do yoiu mean like name, Force powers, Force Side?


Also, another thing.


Dark Jedis. Those are what is in Jedi knight, Jedi Academy, etc. There are only two sith at a time, but there are endless Dark jedi.


Just was thinking of some improvements. Good luck. ;)

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