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sadly happen


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sry for many mistakes i'm italian and my english sucks


before the game comes out, i wrote a thread, the subject was "about kick"... in that thread i asked if kicking with the staff stance will be considerate a lammer move in the saber only servers... some ppls reply that this kind of kicks let the player open for attacks and is not like the JO kick (nearly unstoppable)...so is not a lammer move indeed


yesterday i joined a clan sever (duel)... i don't remember the clan name (and i'm glad) i win the first match... than i face the second player... i start with a kick, and he fall on the ground, i made a ground attack and with surprise i hit him again..


well, he turn off the lightsaber and than propose a kick vote for me! he said "lammer! kick and ground attack!"


at last write "no kick, no dual and no saberstaff" servers rules so i know wich server join!


bha i'm sad that ppl like this bought this game...

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I hate that kind of people.. Why can't people play the game as it was created instead of creating their own strange rules ? If I see anyone standing around doing nothing at FFA then I blast them away, because I hate what people did to JK2 FFA. I sure most of the people would like to play the game instead of sitting in it :mad:

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People are free to run their servers as they please...but you are right when it comes to informing people of what the rules are.


That's what MOTD's are good for anyway.


I'd rather have voting system disabled and trust a good admin to kick the offending player out...and if no admin is in the house... you can always gang rape the sucker :D

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The stupidity of people really pisses me off. :mad:


Just kick the stupid sons of bitches in the belly for as long as it takes for them to realize that they should quit whining about every god damn thing that gets them killed and just play the game.


"ground killing = lame" is probably the most ridiculous rule I've ever heard of. What the hell is the point of causing the opponent to fall down if you aren't supposed to hit him while he is vulnerable??? Could some Honourable Jedi out there answer this question, please?


...that's like: "Oh sorry mister Jedi I hit you with my lightsaber causing you loss of hp, here, have a medpack and heal yourself. Oh darn sorry about that, I just drained your force pool - tell you what: I'll just wait here untill you have full force again...no? Oh of course! I got more hp now since I drained you! Silly me.. just a sec, I'll go jump off the roof to lower my hp's so that my accidental use of drain won't cause you any more problems, k?"

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