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Multiplayer: Counters to spammable moves

Dart Zaidyer

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Rather than whine and moan and bitch at the game for not suiting me, I've decided to master the system. After some careful research with a few willing duelists, I've actually discovered effective counters for all the "unfair" and "spammable" moves out there.


Hold on to your hats, because it may shock you to know that *gasp*, this game IS balanced after all!

Please note that all of this WILL require actual practice against other human players in order to pull off with any frequency. That's called a "learning curve", ladies and gentlemen.



Strategies against Two-Handed Saber (Darth Maul type):


-Butterfly attack: Most people complain that it's too easy to kill someone with. Well, the first thing you should know is what it looks like, and that you should MOVE when you see it coming. A cartwheel evade works well.

The counter for this attack is that when you see it coming, make sure to be performing a kata when he gets in close. Preferably, you should sucker him right into your moving blade(s) of death.

-Kata attack: This one could be slightly tricky, since he can roll at the end of it. Nevertheless, handle it like any stationary Kata and time it so you can do a roll-stab right before it's over.

-Crouch combo attack: Be very careful when fighting head-on, as this can easily shred you to bits. More often than not, however, it isn't used appropriately, so the best way to counter is with a Kata of your own. Just make sure it isn't head-on with his spinning blades, or it won't work well at all.


Strategies against Dual Sabers:


-Kata attack: Not very practical as an attack from nowhere as you can see it coming a mile away, so just stay back and wait until the blades begin to return to their owner, then roll-stab him.

-Crouch combo attack: Same as the Double-Handed Saber, except it covers a wider arc and can even deflect a blow from the rear unless said blow is strictly vertical in motion. (Such as the single-saber Blue-style crouch combo.)


Strategies against Single Sabers:

-In the right hands, single sabers are extraordinarily effective against the other kinds of sabers when it comes to landing a blow. Especially in heavy style. As such, unless you're VERY GOOD, or your opponent is very bad, you'll have to fight single with single if you just can't seem to hit him as much as he does you.

-Kata attacks: Most people underestimate their power. This is a mistake. Just get away, as they can cover any varied array of angles, making a counter-attack a risky proposition. Roll-stabbing can work, but not all the time, and not at certain angles in relation to the opponent.

-Crouch combo attack: This is mainly ineffective as anything but a counter. Just be sure to make it hit your lightsaber instead of yourself, if you are so caught.


And finally, Strategies against Roll Attacks from nowhere:


-Just move out of the way whenever you see your opponent roll. It's that easy.

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These are all 'duh' suggestions, that are fairly obvious.


While I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to try and educate the community, these suggestions aren't useful for skillful players, because we don't get in a situation where we're going to get kata'd or butterflied, or anything like that.


They are great for relative newcomers to the game who aren't used to a fast paced first-person melee game, but those who played a lot of JO know how to avoid getting hit, and where to see an opening.


Our main problem is not being able to deal enough damage to an enemy flag carrier in Sabers only CTF. If you have suggestions on that one, we'd be incredibly appreciative.

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they will work vs newbs but..


most of the specials really work nice in ffa's but 1v1's they are junk


#1 u won't ever hit me with one of those if i am really playing since im like the only saberist with a true strafe jump and i won't ever be fighting close unless i am messing around or using grip.


the only anti drain strat that works kinda. is grip them and hold them in air while keeping their back faced against u so they can't pull/push succesfully. THen after they are stunned come in with a red down slash and then finish them with lightning lv3. Thats the only killing mechanism that works vs a drain expert and it fails most of the time


what people don't realize is that this game has no hit-boxes making most moves almost useless.

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Originally posted by Dart Zaidyer

Strategies against Two-Handed Saber (Darth Maul type):


-Crouch combo attack: Be very careful when fighting head-on, as this can easily shred you to bits. More often than not, however, it isn't used appropriately, so the best way to counter is with a Kata of your own. Just make sure it isn't head-on with his spinning blades, or it won't work well at all.

You can also make a roll-stab, at the ending his staff goes up.

So it is a clear target


Originally posted by Dart Zaidyer

-Butterfly attack: Most people complain that it's too easy to kill someone with. Well, the first thing you should know is what it looks like, and that you should MOVE when you see it coming. A cartwheel evade works well.

The counter for this attack is that when you see it coming, make sure to be performing a kata when he gets in close. Preferably, you should sucker him right into your moving blade(s) of death.

If you use two sabers or the staff make the crouch combo attack, work's fine.
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thanks. i dont think too many people will really learn that much thats new. but the effort itself is greatly appreciated man.


its nice to sift through the front page and find a thread thats not whining about the game or about customization of the game.



just to add my lil flava: if you find yourself being targeted by the spinning shield kata of a dual saber just back up enough so that you're out of range and use saber throw. normally i dont put many pts into saber throw but even at level 1 it can be devastating to a person using the dual blade kata if you catch them with it quickly.


drainers are a pain to try and kill. more often then not i fail miserably but if you face one then i suggest brawling with them. if you cant beat them at range then at least force them to give up their main spamming skill.


everything can be countered SOMEHOW... but some alot more easily then others. if raven believes we need a patch we will get one. otherwise we'll just have to adapt (500$ says that if we do get a patch then this forum will be flooded the day after with complaints about how the game is ruined)


see the problem is that if people like the mp then they keep playing it. if they dont, then they come on forums and complain *or the rare few try to offer help for others*. but the majority of people talking about mp simply wont be happy.

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