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Another kick thread...


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Originally posted by [div3rse.jello]

Originally posted by =X=Master HeX

From a programmers point of view I just want to give people a bit of closure on what I've observed. JA contains LOTS of the same code from JO. Don't tell me it doesn't when I know for a fact that there were traces of just about all the "new" aspects in the original JO.


Most the default models contained the EXACT replica of saber-staff butterfly and cartwheels.


Ghoul2 locational dmg was already in the works in the JO code.


Traces != same


And the gameplay is certainly different. If it wasn't why are a bunch of people whining about gameplay issues. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by AxVegetA

Are you able to defend yourself against lightning with the saber? at least in SP you can.




Hey wheiner dog whoever uses that strategy is a fag noob.


Correction, the smart player uses it and he is called "the winner".



You know that the other can chase-pull you right?


The initial cost to activate absorb + your pulling = 0 force pool much faster, a position no one wants to be in during a duel. Doing that is basically handing him the win.


Try another idea.



also, when using drain you have no defense for a second, i can saber throw you to the head and youll be dead in that second.




Not sure what game you are playing, but saber throw does 30 damage, and if it's thrown *during a drain hit it's going to do even *less because I'm healing as I'm taking damage.


Try another idea.



Also i can use speed to chase and smash you, oviusly if i fail you have the advantage because i would be out of force.


speed costs 50 force, and what are you going to "smash" me with? The only high damage move is a Kata, and it will *not kill in one hit, it takes the other 50 out of your force pool and leaves you with 0 force.


Using speed in a duel is the most moronic thing anyone could ever hope do to.


It’s not only a waste of force but it puts you in a position where you can be drained down to 0 force with 1/2 the effort and beaten even faster.


Try another idea.



I wouldnt bother to turn absorb if you light me with level 2. I would just strafe jump toward you and cut your head off.



With what?


Last time I checked it took about 3 swings to the face in heavy stance to kill.


You have not played any sabers other than Outcast 1.02, trust me; they are about 3 times weaker than what you remember.


Not to mention, what makes you think I can't strafe jump and keep my distance until absorb wears off?


I've never had a problem doing it before, nor do I now.


Try another idea.


Are you aware that i can run away from you too? I can hide heal and so on.



What makes you think I can't stay on you and drain you and keep your pool at 0?


Most duel maps have no where to hide and no serious "long strafe run paths" like duel_temple did in Outcast.


Not to mention, level 2 drain reaches across almost the entire map, I don't even need to chase you.


Try another idea.



But i guess overall you are right, dark side is more powerfull than light side.





Lights could actually rape a dark in JO, but it revolved around a strategy using mind trick to stop draining (I know that idea sounds silly, but trust me it works if you know how to use it right) in conjunction with kicks and ranged pull throws.


The guy who posted a few posts up (fk | screed) was a master at it.


It's something I started using as a joke but he actually mastered it and became damn near unbeatable with.


However, no kicks make it impossible to do in Academy so lights are left with literally nothing now.

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Originally posted by [div3rse.jello]

Originally posted by =X=Master HeX

From a programmers point of view I just want to give people a bit of closure on what I've observed. JA contains LOTS of the same code from JO. Don't tell me it doesn't when I know for a fact that there were traces of just about all the "new" aspects in the original JO.


Most the default models contained the EXACT replica of saber-staff butterfly and cartwheels.


Ghoul2 locational dmg was already in the works in the JO code.



It may be true that the very basic gameplay code hasn't changed much, but neither has the basic elevator code changed much since the first Quake. Why should Raven remake the saber system that was used in JKII? Instead what they have done is tweak it and add more moves for the stances, that are in JKII, and add two new saber styles with new animations (as I've pointed out before, JA has twice as many animations as JKII). Why is this bad? I thought the only thing you thought was wrong, was the fact that you can't use the JKII kick...besides, I heard you can do the JKII kick in JA anyway by doing wall flips on people (just like JKII, except the way you do wall flips is different)...


[Edit: I guess you can't do JKII kicks MP at all, but you can do them in SP when you have a cheat on...I guess Raven really didn't want kicks in MP at all...]

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Originally posted by FK | unnamed

Lights could actually rape a dark in JO, but it revolved around a strategy using mind trick to stop draining (I know that idea sounds silly, but trust me it works if you know how to use it right) in conjunction with kicks and ranged pull throws.


For now ill believe you.

Ill try that when i get the ****ing game, TOMORROW.


But i am 80% sure you are not absolutely right.

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