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sith crypt


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I am stuck at the end of the sith crypt level where you have to cut the support chains on and then the ceiling caves in. I can't seem to figure out what to do next. I read a walk through but it's not exactly clear


"Kill all three and then break the supports to the stone block in the back of the room. Return to the room where you had to use sight and push in the proper blocks. Remember the steps? Go back to the room where you had to drop from beam to beam and then jump back up. The door you opened by breaking those supports is at the opposite end of the panels you had to push. A lightstaff user and a dualsabered opponent will rush. Another lightstaff duelist will appear, one of those insanely supreme force users. In all likelihood, he'll kill your support (if you went light) so you'll have to finish him off. Exit through the door to end the level. Note: If you went dark, just avoid most of the fighting between the duelists and Jedi and just go for final door after you broke the supports"



The door on the opposite end of the one with all the push panels will not open. The part about reme,ber the steps isn't very clear -what steps do I push all three panels again? The rrom where you jumped down from beam to beam is that the one with all the lava at the bottom?


Help please

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you didn't break the two stone supports then. they're not chains, but stone columns. I actually found them myself while waiting for the two guys to jump down, since your cursor will change to red for attackable when you hover over them.


after you destroy these side by side columns, the stone slab above them moves down and the door with it.

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Originally posted by aletoledo

you didn't break the two stone supports then. they're not chains, but stone columns. I actually found them myself while waiting for the two guys to jump down, since your cursor will change to red for attackable when you hover over them.


after you destroy these side by side columns, the stone slab above them moves down and the door with it.


Yes, you must break the 2 stone pillars first, then a you should see a cutscene.

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