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Auto-team balance command?


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I guess my question is... is there one? And if so, more servers need to run it. It's basically impossible to play a siege game on Hoth without the imperials getting stacked (I want to drive!). And if a player does real well (IE, slaughters the newbies) guess what team is going to have 10 players vrs 2.


It's been this way the last 6 siege games I've played, 5 on different servers. Just annoying because if you ever sort the teams out, half or more of the objectives are already finished.


On a semi-random note, the jedi classes seem horribly useless in like all 3 siege maps... yes, even the one where everyones a jedi :) I'd take trip mining/det packs or whatever over that any day. Aside from jumping the gap in Hoth, they just seem far to weak compared to the other classes... but I guess that's a rant for really crappy hit detection, poor saber damage, and really weak force powers.



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The command you're looking for is:


g_teamForceBalance 1


Or put seta g_teamForceBalance "1" into your server.cfg file.


One good thing about Jedi in Siege is their ability to block blaster shots.


Oh that might not seem like much, but consider those Heavy Blaster Turrets... that kill you in one shot. Now you're getting to see the picture. Actually, Jedi blocking alone makes them useful in Siege.


If saber damage is your problem, try g_saberdamagescale 2, which Raven recommends for all non-Duel game modes.

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