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No One Rules Forever online!


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No One Rules Forever is a sequal starring the same characters as The Howard Christmas Carol, and technically speaking it's the fourth one in a series (the 2nd and 3rd have been delayed for a couple of reasons, but you don't miss anything, they all stand alone pretty well).


Sorry about the huge file size, but the quality is worth it.


Nightlight is back, baby! :D :D :D

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It is excellent stuff.

All that sound effects finding paid off well, and the editing is great.

Thought the Davis worked brilliantly for the maverick Howard too.


Oh, and this is all real yea? Just so I know I can use it for my next thesis and all!


But seriously, class stuff, good editing and effects. And the music's edited to it well too.

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Hey there, D and Slinky. Glad that you both listened and liked.


So far, according to the statistics, a grand total of 7 people have downloaded NoRF, and 2 people have downloaded the song. Hopefully more people will come!


And D, Stanley did the voice of Number Two, Peter Costello, and the Narrator.


I did the voice of Howard and Death. And yes, I reused Vapour's voice, because there's only so many deep demonic voices I can do. :(


But then again, it's kinda like saying that Billy Crystal can't play one character in one movie, and a completely different character in another movie because he looks the same and has the same voice. :)

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Getright is a download tool/manager, very cool to resume disconnectet downloads.


'getright' what the monkey-loving-son-of-a-badgers-mother is that?



Badgers Badgers Badgers Badgers Badgers Badgers...mushroom mushroom


PS: I hate snakes!

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