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How are missions "assigned"


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Hi there.


I havent got to play the game yet because i have no internet connection at my apartment yet, but i wonder about a thing for now.


When a player accepts a mission, for example a destroy mission.

If another player comes later and wants that mission, how does it work?

I mean, the first player already destroyed the stuff :o

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Well, this is more of a coding thing. When you pull up the mission listing, the missions on it are only available to you. When you accept one, it comes off the list. Basically, when you pull up the mission listing, it creates a random list of missions. Now, someone could kill your mission for you while you are on your way to it, but you would still get paid. Other than that, missions are specific to the character and not a shared listing.


Look at it like this. When you walk up to the mission terminal, imagine it pulls out a deck of cards and randomly hands you five to choose from. After you choose your mission, the game throws the deck away and you keep your card. If someone else were to come up to it, it would give them a different deck of cards.


Okay, rather cryptic, but I hope that gives you a better idea of how it works.

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Now that that is out of the way it's time for:


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