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The Wet Saber Caper ? Did Anyone Notice...?


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I think the level is Taspir, but there is a room with what is essentially pools of (perhaps) water in it. I assumed it wasn't anything harmful as it doesn't cause damage for jaden and the reborn to wade around in it.... Whenever you hop in there, if you have a saberstaff and it touches the water the saber goes off....


I guess Jaden wasn't as nifty when she made his/her saber, as obi wan's saber in ep2 obviously worked very well in the wet for his battle with Jango on Kamino (although in the ep1 novelisation, his old saber was shorted by water).............


Have fun, and stay out of the water !



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Same thing happened in JKII.


I guess Jaden wasn't as nifty when she made his/her saber, as obi wan's saber in ep2 obviously worked very well in the wet for his battle with Jango on Kamino


If you watch in the training levels, it's raining on your saber and the water is evaporating immediately. Pretty cool effect in my book. But the saber still works.

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I don't believe this has anything to do with shorting the saber. More likely it's pure survival instincts: all characters are turning their sabers off when entering water!

Like phoenix said: the saber is evaporating water. Can you imagine what huge ammounts of hot steam a lightsaber would create being used underwater? Might be quite unhealthy to be cooked like that...

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