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Download the dedicated server binary of your choice (linux or windows) and edit the server.cfg file.


In it you'll find all the instructions you'll need, just edit the rconpassword "a clever password" to whatever you want.


In game, enter in the console:


\rcon <mypassword>


and then you'll be the admin, and you can do server commands, etc.

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Originally posted by Kurgan

Download the dedicated server binary of your choice (linux or windows) and edit the server.cfg file.


In it you'll find all the instructions you'll need, just edit the rconpassword "a clever password" to whatever you want.


In game, enter in the console:


\rcon <mypassword>


and then you'll be the admin, and you can do server commands, etc.


Actually, my good friend, its


/rconpassword <mypassword> and then any command you enter will need to have the /rcon in front of the command you wish to execute.

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