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Splitting a Reborn's Staffsabre?

Arkayn Rath

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i wuz playing the final level on Koribann (sp?) in the Tomb of Markos Ragnos. yunno the impassable door near the beginning, where you have to go all the way down to the bottom, slash the door's foundation to cause it to fall open. well when you go back there's a lone Cultist Reborn (whatever they're called this time) with a Staffsabre.


so i fought him, and to my shock, halfway through the duel his staffsabre turned into DUAL SABRES! it was the wierdest thing. i attacked like i always attack a Staffsabre-wielding opponent, i Dark Rage and wale away 'til it wears off, then i back off to avoid his staff spin defence. so i did that, but then when i flipped out of reach, i was shocked to see he now had a pair of lightsabres.


i realize that in that level, random Jedi opponents spawn, but the Reborn are always the same. so it's not like the first time i faced him he had a staffsabre and when i reloaded he had dual sabres. i'm positive he had a staffsabre and it turned into dual sabres.


so i wonder, is this a glitch? can you slice a staffsabre handle in half and leave the opponent with dual sabres? or did that particular Reborn have a special separable staffsabre?

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Yes, I had this happen once too in the demo.


So your not seeing things.



What I want to see is a mod that will let you switch between the styles at will.

You know, detachable hilts staff-twin sabers.


But I'm leary about it. Most of the time if i'm jacking around with the settings switching sabers hilts and stances I sometimes end up with a throwable staff, when I'd really prefer to retain the kick ability when using a staff.

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That happened to me too in the last part of the SP campaign and I knew for sure that I didn't mix anything up (see spoiler below), for a while I was beginning to wonder if I had encountered a quirk/bug since I've only encountered the Staff split once. At the time I was amazed with my mouth open, unable to react properly (take a screene or hit quicksave).



Playing the last part on the dark path and not to long after having landed on Koriban I encountered 5 jedi's in a narrow passage after the 2nd big hall or so, 3 of them where those green staff wielding gray haired dudes with a beard and these, throughout the game never used green dual sabers. I tried to lure them out into a big hall one by one and finish them of there, they weren't to keen on following me, but after killing a single blade user one of the green staff fellows eventually followed me and during a very very long fight it happened (must have been at least 40min or so with a few reloads). Luring him into the hall was a mistake, think they are somewhat invulnerable there I just couldn't finish him in that location (same as you don't see any jedi & reborn die, while watching them fight each other from a distance).


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