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Originally posted by Duffalpha

Thats the trick for becoming and stayin a jedi, resus. u just /tell a doctor friend and he can fly out to wereever u are and save ur ass. but that can get expensive.


An expense that would be well worth it, and from what i have heard, the devs will take control of boba fet and vador if the jedi population becomes over crowded.

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Last night I was way out in the middle of no mans land on Talus and I ran across a NPC REBEL Scout name eq???(something) Lightingwalker and I just ran by him them said to myself that is wierd a REBEL SCOUT out here with a name like that. So I turned back and found him and talked to him and he said a few wierd things....

When I went to converse with him I guess I asked about Darth Vader and he said that he Is the Evil Leader of the Imperials and that he doesnt like to talk about it much. Then I talked to him somemore and Something came up about JEDI and I asked something about I thought they where all killed and he said that not all Jedi where killed and something after all that. I than tryed to get work from him and he said he had nothing at this time...


So ofcourse I made that a waypoint to check back in a few days from now and wait till they impliement the Jedi feature...

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If the Jedi is nuetral, you will not be able to kill them unless they use their force around other player's. Also, you do not have to advertise that you are a Jedi. If I became a Jedi, I would continue to be a Rebal, but their is no way I would tell people I was one. I would tell maybe 4 or 5 people that I realy trust and that is it, and if imp's found out and started hunting me, I would just go covert, or nuetral, where they could not attack me.

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in response to breetai's comments, i must again express my interests for the introduction of player bounties. this would allow for an attack on all players, jedi or not, without having to engage in a duel or relying on enemy flags (how many bh's do you know who walk up to someone asking if it would be alright if they db'ed them). as a bh myself, i would love the opportunity to track down a jedi...i mean, there is no risk involved for me :D . either way, it sounds as though a jedi will have to alter their style of play...i'm not so sure this is a good thing.

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Yes. I agree with you, but I do not think it should be limited to just Jedi's. I think all player's should be able to be hunted. I mean honestly, what is the big deal of being A BH, when you can not hunt other player's. I was wanting to be a BH for that whole reason. When I found out that you couldn't, I just decided to go on to ranger.


Also after a BH find's his target ( player target ), and db's them, he shouls atleast get what ever money they where careing. Their need's to be something that they lose instead of just cloneing and then they go back to what they where doing.

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randon, breetai didn't mention item looting, merely suggested that credits on the player db'ed could be looted. i think this is a good idea, and could be avoided by players simply by keeping a low amount of cash on-hand (which makes it fair). however, if the devs should decide to allow item looting, or player bounties at all, it would make this bh very happy :D .

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Yes. All I am talking about is for credit's to be looted on player's. That is something player's can make up if they die. Of course that would suck with someone carring about 40k on them, but of corse that would be their fault for doing that. That is what the bank is for after all. two reason's for this. One BH will be willing to go after player's more than the NPC's, which player's tend to be harder to kill then NPC's. the other reason is as I said before. You need to lose something if you are hunted by a BH and killed. If you didn't then what would be the big deal about a player being killed by a BH. Credit's might not realy be that big of a deal to lose as it is easy to make back up, but it is something. Maybe even fix it to where you keep your skill point's, but you lose one skill. Now that could hurt.


Now as far as a BH killing a Jedi. Since the Jedi does lose all their skill's now and has to start from scratch again. I think the BH SHOULD be able to loot them of item's, along with their credit's. That is one more reason for people to not want to be a Jedi.

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