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New Force Move


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While messing about with the game last night I happened upon a new move: Force Dodge!


I was going round in 1st person mode trying to be stealthy (not going to work, I Know), peeking around corners and the like and I wondered if it would work in 3rd person mode. It does - the animation is the same as when you try and shoot the cultists with the Tenloss sniper gun, but get this!!


If there are npc's shooting at you, the screen goes slow mo, matrix style, and the higher the force speed, the slower it goes.


It uses 50 force like force speed and isn't particularly useful, but it looks cool, and that's what counts. I wonder if there are anymore cool moves hidden in there?.....

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I didn't realise it was in JO, but I know that Raven have added a lot of new moves, most of which are fairly obvious - other's like being able to jump from one speeder bike to another isn't mentioned anywhere in the readme or manual and I guess were left there for us to find and go "cooool". I'm just wondering how many more hidden things are in there.


Also I really wanted a wall grap (a la Tomb Raider) to make an appearance - imagine doing a force long speed jump thing over a vast chasm and *just* about manage to grab the edge - you could do a cool flip and stab like Obi-Wan from Ep1 - make the whole interaction with the environent more, er, interactive

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if the speeder is level by your side, jump+strafe will jump Jaden over to the other speeder bike and push the current rider off, like Luke in Return of the Jedi. It's on one of the other threads somewhere - all we need now is an Endor level and some scout troopers to use this cool move

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The matrix dodge seems to work when anything is shot at you, not just sniper fire. The 50 force point hit for using it is a bit steep though.


Does anyone know any more "secret moves" that are out there? What moves does anyone think would be cool?

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In JK2 (and in JA) it seems to be utterly random.


How it works is this.... on easy difficulty (and more rarely as it gets harder and never on hard or hardest).. if a charged disruptor shot is fired at you by the AI, you will sometimes "dodge" it by bending your body, while the game goes into slo mo for a second and you hear a sound like Force Speed being used and some of your mana goes away.


It's an "automatic feature" to make the game a bit easier at those points.


When I played JK2 on hard difficulty (Jedi Knight) I thought people talking about this "power" were crazy, since it NEVER EVER happened.


In JK2 you could "lean" by holding use and strafing left or right, but only in first person viewpoint.


In JA you can lean in third person viewpoint, which looks SIMILAR to the "auto dodge" but it is not the same! "Leaning" to the side won't let you do the "auto dodge" power, and really isn't that good for dodging shots. You can be hit just as easily while leaning as any other time.


Leaning really isn't secret because it tells you how to do it in the controls setup. Leaning of course cannot be done in MP.


Pressing the key in JA doesn't make it work, it seems random as well, whether your press something or not.


In MP, with Level 3 Force Seeing on you will automatically do an "auto dodge" that only works for charged disruptor shots most of the time.

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Another good trick is to use force-pull or force-grip on the speeder guys. Their speeders keep on going, but they don't. Hahaha!


Or head for a wall or chasm at full speed with them chasing you, then jump off at the last minute. They'll plow right in. :D


I love playing with those speeder guys!

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About the lean/dodge thing. I've tried to explain this before, but I'll try again.


Against blockable blaster shots you will not dodge unless you are holding the Use key. To do the dodge maneuver: Stand facing a blaster-wielding enemy and hold Use. Do not press left or right. Pressing left or right will make you lean, which is the same animation, but is not a dodge. You must have your saber up. You will stand perfectly still but deflect shots anyways. If you fail to block the shot, and you have enough force mana, you will do the force dodge instead of being hit. I believe it takes more force the lower your force speed is. Occasionally you will deflect the shot while dodging as well.


This works on ALL difficulties. I only play on Jedi Master and Jedi Knight difficulties and it always works for me.


Holding Use does not work against disruptors. Against disruptors the dodge is completely random. I've tested holding Use and without holding Use. It seems totally random and neither seems to occur more often. Against disruptors it doesnt seem to matter if your saber is up or not.

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You know in medium single stance you can do a backwards helicoptor thingy by pressing Attack about a 1/4 second after doing a backwards handstand (the backwards equivilant of a cartwheel).


Looks cool but I've never been able to hit anyone with it yet :D


Also, on the Hoth level, sometimes the giant hairy snowman thingy will pick you up by the foot ala. Luke in ESB. I chopped it up while it was holding me just like the movie :D Twas one of those 'wtf! COOL' moments.


I love the attention to detail.

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