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darth maul


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I would like a model of Darth Maul for JA. I don't know how to skin so I was wondering if anyone was working on one. I know there is a skin of Maul for Jedi Outcast, but I could only get it to work in multi-player. Is there a way to make that skin work in the single player game?

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...........:o Typing "helpusobi1" or "devmapall" and then typing "playermodel maul" doesn't work for me.


I think you are confused between "modeling" and "skinning." What do you want?

(1) A model is the base of any character in the game.

(2) A skin is the texture on that model. You can have the same model and different skins to make different characters.


There is a lot of posts in the forums about putting a new player models in SP. Why don't you try looking them up. It's already been addressed. :rolleyes:


Why don't you try this thread for more info........


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Originally posted by Cosmos Jack

...........:o Typing "helpusobi1" or "devmapall" and then typing "playermodel maul" doesn't work for me.


I think this only works when there's an NPC file for a model. So it might work if you make an NPC file based on the custom Maul model and then just type playermodel"npcname", where NPCname is the name you gave to your Maul NPC.

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