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KOTOR II Gets Official Greenlight ***Spoilers***

Dalti Evful

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I like the idea of ether joining the republic or the sith. But i think seeding its called "Knights" of the old republic, you could start at the Jedi Academy as a young child, a bit like fable, and do your training then become an aprentice under a master, which will depend on how well they like you, eg. your fighting ablility or anger. then you will follow your master until you become a full jedi, and i could go on and on. So it would be a game of a jedi's life till the day you grow into a senial old man, like Jolee Bindo. What you think? to complicated? or not?

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  • 2 weeks later...

more worlds, species, cloths, weapons, and vehicals would be sweet, like you can pick what star ship you want, what upgrades for it you want, or hell you could own more then 1!


plus maybe that after you completed the game, have it to were you can keep playing it, like darkside, you can keep being a bad guy and doing more evil things to people, or lightside, saving people from harm! lol, sending your sith troops to take over a planet would be sweet! to me the avarage 30+ hours isnt enough!


online would be a must to! you cant tell me you wouldnt like to be able to take your character online, with about 2-6 of your friends, and do missions, sidequest, or just cause mayham to npc!


This game can take what KOTOR did, and excede it, and can take it to places it has never gone, and where we all want it to go!

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  • 2 months later...

Hmmm there seems to be a few holes in the story if it only takes place 5 years after KOTOR and will feature some of the same charecters. I mean we all know Revan kicks major ass, how would he allow the Jedi to become so weak as well as the other masters ? I just don't see Revan being bested by one Sith Lord, perhaps many awesome ones but definetly not one. Like he would ever face them without his friends help anyway, especially Bastillas. He was very charasmatic also and at the end of KOTOR the Republic and Jedi was stronger than before and the Sith so terribly weak. Not only did the Sith lose over 90% of their forces but their Star Forge and leader Darth Malek while the Republic and Jedi gained Revan, one of the greatest Jedi ever as well as the others including Bastilla with her Battle Meditation. How could in simply 5 years time the Jedi be nearly extinct ? I can understand Revan and the others going into hiding but this huge Republic/Jedi callapse gap has to be filled for the reason why they did it. I wouldn't mind if a few of the major charecters from KOTOR to get killed off but to Kill Revan and Bastilla, two of the most powerful Jedi, would be so laughably absurd. They should have you pick which model you used for Revan so you can meet him and Bastilla sometime during KOTOR II and talk about what the hell happened. Perhaps the Jedi council would forbid their love and they chose to live off somewhere far away and didn't know about the Sith hutning down the Jedi until your charecter or they felt it in the force but it was nearly too late, at least that would make more sense, much like Anakin and Padme but instead of keeping it a secret they simply left. I just don't see one or both of these two being killed off, I mean really, come on Obsidian, what Bioware achieved was near perfection, don't mess with it if you're not going to explain your plot eventually in very detailed and believeable events. What do you guys think ?

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Originally posted by Gepmeister

... and Jedi gained Revan, one of the greatest Jedi ever as well as the others including Bastilla with her Battle Meditation. How could in simply 5 years time the Jedi be nearly extinct ? I can understand Revan and the others going into hiding but this huge Republic/Jedi callapse gap has to be filled for the reason why they did it.

of course, this all depends on HOW you played KotOR ... i've only played it going to the dark side, so everything you've stated never happened in 'my' game. i read that as the KotOR II story progresses, you are asked about different events in your experience of KotOR which affects various details of the story's history.

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ok from all the sorces i've read obsidian not bioware are making kotor2


however the game engine and all things designed by bioware that made kotor so good have been sold to the ppl making kotor2


and it seems that they are aware that they could mess up a good formular


so if it aint broke dont fix it


the game play will be very much the same with a few gameplay tweeks


i.e. improved lipsync more force moves and battle moves so the fights wont feel so repetitive


and to my knowledge the only kotor character making an entrance possibly just as a cameo from kotor is t3-m4 the little droid

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