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The 'Shadow Troopers'.


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I assuming that everyone here knows about the cloaking imperials in JA? Well, I was wondering if anyone knew how to turn it off? You know, just delete the texture, or something? As soon as they finish cloaking, my computer goes to hell. It's perfect any other time, but if even one of those mongrels is cloaked on the map, then it just dies.


Anyway, did anyone else notice that they were less visible in the instant before that irritating effect comes on? :p


Thanks, Semirhage.

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Thanks alot. There are certain places in the game where using push or pull causes it to crash to the desktop, so that'll be rally helpful. Thanks.


My specs are:

P3 667


S3 Savage 2000 (Diamond Viper II Z200, same thing)


I spent a good half-hour trying to get it to run, and now it does! Perfect! (With everything on medium). If you look in the readme, you'll see that my card is on the not supported list. That's only because Raven didn't put a menu option to turn off GL Extentions.Well, anyone who is having trouble with JA, just turn them off in the 'jaconfig.cfg' file. Just change the value for 'seta r_allowExtensions" to 0. It says at the top, do not modify, but don't believe them. :)


Thank you very much, Emon.

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