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2 Modding Questions


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1) Anyone know where I could get some information for SP modding. I have a SP map and want it to start as the first map in the game rather than running the map from the console. If anyone could point me to some information on this that'd be great.


2)I've seen people make sabers with multiple blades. Is is possible to make a saber hilt that emits no blades and still have it do damage? So someone could make a sword as a hilt without having a saber beam through it without having to change the saber graphics to be blank. This way one character would use a sword without the rest of the characters who have normal saber hilts have missing blades. I think the Master sword for the link model in JO worked without replaceing saber graphics, but it left a glowing orb somewhere in the map.

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I can point ya rather self-promotingly to some tutorials I did a while back on SP modding:




They don't specifically cover that menu loading, but then cover some areas which kind of relate, so worth a read (helps with this other stuff below). To do the menu thing:


Create a file called gamestart.cfg and put it in the mod folder. Then have:


map mapname


In this file - then save it. Then you need to edit...the newgame.menu file in the UI folder. Go down to // BEGIN button right near the bottom of this file. If you look down a bit from this, at the very bottom of this file, here is what I've got in my edited newgame.menu file....


visible 1

// appearance_slot 9



exec "exec gamestart.cfg" // Start the new game




show begingamebutton_glow




hide begingamebutton_glow



So edit it to that, and you;'re set. Basically you're adding exec "exec gamestart.cfg" in the right spot.


As for 2, all I know is for Colloseum, Mr Keating just turned off the glow using infact the very same gamestart.cfg file, so the swords didn't look all weird. This would of course remove the glow for any sabers on the level.

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