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Creature Handling!!!!!!!!!


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i was once a CH in the beggining days, i then sacraficed it when they nerfed the hell out of it, most recently i have reclaimed it and i had a question.......I have taming I, wich allows me to use creatures up to lvl 25, and i have a lvl 23 GSP but i still cant use him......whats the problem, ive never really understood CH after they nerfed, so if anyone could plz fill me in plz do so....

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I have another CH question? What is the advantage about having a Aggressive Creature? The other day I got my CH skills to 1/1/0/0 and last night I went to Yavin to find some Grand Wrixs, Greater Sledge Panthers to tame. I found 2 Greater Sledge Panthers and was looking for Grand Wrixs when I came across a Wrix lair and killed the Wrix and a Motted Wrix. The Motted Wrix was aggressive and the lair spawned a Motted Wrix Baby that I tamed and the stats on it are almost Half that of the Greater Sledge Panthers. Its is worth having this Motted Wrix with 4,500 ham and around 150 damage? It is aggressive because it showed as RED and why are the aggressive better than non-aggressive pets?

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For those of you that use creatures, it may worth knowing that until some type of patch is introduced, the Gulgnaw Lairs on Corellia will prevent you from commanding your creature(s) until it is destroyed. This can be a bad situation if you do not have a HIGH HAM creature or lack the attack skill to eliminate the gulgnaws quickly.


Here's an example:

1. To target a lair and send a pet to attack it.

2. After the lair starts dropping gulgnaws, they will begin attacking your pet.

3. At this point, you no longer command your pet. Your pet will stay and keep attacking the lair until it is destroyed or until it dies.

4. Due to this, you cannot attack gulgnaws too early (if you do, they will all swarm you).

5. Instead, you must watch them all pound on your pet for roughly 10 - 30 seconds.

6. After this, you can usually start attacking each of them with bleeders or whatever you have at your disposal.


The strange thing is, you can use your pet to attack any other type of lair (at least on Corellia) ... oddly even Devil Gulgnaw Lairs, and you don't have your command ability stripped (so if you get into a bad situation, you can divert your pet to attack what is attacking you so you can flee or whatever else comes to mind).


On a final note, I have discovered that you can run missions with pets to take out Selonian Lairs and you do not aquire negative faction points for Selonians (perhaps due to the social structure of that species) and those lairs are good for cash for mid - level players. You don't lose command of your pet, either.

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Originally posted by Rado

I have another CH question? What is the advantage about having a Aggressive Creature? The other day I got my CH skills to 1/1/0/0 and last night I went to Yavin to find some Grand Wrixs, Greater Sledge Panthers to tame. I found 2 Greater Sledge Panthers and was looking for Grand Wrixs when I came across a Wrix lair and killed the Wrix and a Motted Wrix. The Motted Wrix was aggressive and the lair spawned a Motted Wrix Baby that I tamed and the stats on it are almost Half that of the Greater Sledge Panthers. Its is worth having this Motted Wrix with 4,500 ham and around 150 damage? It is aggressive because it showed as RED and why are the aggressive better than non-aggressive pets?


To Yavin?

Wrixes are on Corellia and GSPs are on Talus.


and as for your aggro question, some of the best creatures in the game are aggressive. Rancors, Kilomogilas, Grauls, etc, etc. They arn't garenteed to be better creatures because there are many small creatures that are aggresive, but the best creatures in the game ARE aggressive.

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In addition to a gulgnaw lair stripping your command ability of your pet(s) after you attack the lair with the pet (see previous post for complete sequence of events that strips your command ability), the Canoid Lairs on Corellia also take away your ability to command your pet...

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I was wondering if it will ever be possible for a master ch to place pets that they tame (untrained if need be to hold down the number of people with pets) on their own personal vendors in their own house??


I mean seriously. I love to help people out with getting a pet, but you would not believe how much I get bombarded when I go into towns with people wanting to buy pets...90% of the time I don't have what they are looking for (because I can only hold 16). Not to mention that I hate standing around for hours trying to peddle a pet(s) that nobody is wanting at the time.


And, for those people that agree to have me go get them a pet (in order to do that, I destroy a pet that I am carrying to free up a slot), almost 3/4 of the time, I go through the sometimes long and dangerous process of getting one only to find out that the person that wanted the pet was able to find another ch who happened to have the pet at the time. So, I just wasted time, credits, destroyed a pet I had that someone...sometime...may have bought had the time been right and I have yet another pet in my inventory.


Here is what I would like to see develop in the game (yes, I know at one time pets could be sold on vendors):


Senario #1:

1. A master CH has a house.

2. The master CH can drop his/her pets in his own house.

3. Perhaps the master CH can only drop pets that are untrained, or within x amount of days of capture.

4. The maintenance fee on a house could be higher with pets in them (this is true most of the time in real life).


Senario #2:

1. A master CH has a house.

2. A master CH has a personal vendor, in his/her house.

3. The master CH can place pets on his/her personal vendor, in his/her house.

4. The maintenance associated with having a pet on a personal vendor could be higher than normal items.


Additional thoughts to Senario #2:

A. The type of pets that could be placed on a personal vendor could be limited...by a wide variety of factors.

B. Perhaps only untrained pets could be placed on a personal vendor.

C. Perhaps have a time limit vs. maturity of the pet dictates whether the pet can be placed on the personal vendor (for instance, the master ch would need to place a pet on his/her personal vendor within x days of capture)


What do you think??

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or just have pets be normal, but while in a vendor the growth system is frozen.


I think it's a better system than what is in place now...Right now I'm out on special orders 60% of the time, and the rest of the time I'm grinding up BE or *gasp* doing missions!


Eh, I don't really mind tho. I just think it's somewhat inconvinient for the player who wants his pets right then...luckly with BE I'm able to hold untamed BE pets all the time...then quickly tame them and train them, then sell them within a few minutes time...but with creatures like the Greater Sludge Panther and Grauls, you have to keep them in stock instead of in your inventory untamed (not makeable)

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Here is an interesting development in regards to War Gronda Lairs on Corellia. I took out twelve of these things and when they just kept coming, I thought there may be a problem.


War Gronda Lair


See screenshot (this was AFTER I had already dispatched 12 of these things) at http://www.geocities.com/code_stratos/screenShot0007.jpg


The count as of the time of the screenshot was roughly 15 more of those lumbering beasts. It got so bad that I could not even see any part of the lair.


I would suppose if you hunt these things, then this could be considered fun. It was rather anoying for me.

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Oh yes, to get to the screenshot, go to the url but drop the .jpg...this will take you to the site...then add the jpg to the url and you'll be able to go right to it.


Yahoo! is strange this way...but that is the only way I know how to get to a jpg directly on their servers.

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