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Well in case you haven't been reading the main site here is what is going to be going on and what im needing.


Right now as we speak the new site is being worked on and some new sections added.


Instead of just concentrating on Xwing alliance we are now concentrating on all of the X- Wing series games. So if you notice stuff gone on the main website we are also currently getting rid of what we don't need.


Also if you do want to help news wise please email me at invader@lfnetwork.com or leave me a PM here.


Right now that is all that is going on if you have suggesstions please email me thanks.

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yeah waiting for Chris to get the php coding for the template i have the X-wing section on my pc but with real life work and stuff it's a slow process, the X-wing section also i have like 70-80% of it done but also taking it out of the manual and stuff having to type all of that is consuming.

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