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Good level for testing MP ships....


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I am really really good at flying all the ships ^_^, Landing, firing, combat, etc. its easy once u get the hang of it, no1 tought me how, i just learned it all meself after 5 min, dont sweat it if u cant fly perfect right off the bat. ; ) heheheh yea... cool map too, hey if you can make new ships like he did in his map, makes u wander if you could make a millenium falcon, outrider, or otehr ships in there, also i heard of someone creating new NPC's, and i saw teh new Mini-Ties, so im sure someone can add the new ships themselves, soem cool ships id like to see would be


millenium falcon


vertigo? (the one xizor controls in shadows of the empire)

snowspeeder :D

slave 1 :fett:

naboo spaceship thing *the yellow one*

Dooku's Speeder

Endor Speeder

Episode 2 republic ships

trade fed. ships

there are many many more, and in the near future i wouldnt be suprised if they even made playable AT-AT's lmao, anyhowz, if anyone would liek some help with flyin sometime maybe, just ask for XxGray_FoxxX on zone ; )

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Checked out this map on a server last night and I had a ball. I would make the following changes however.


  • Get rid of the second platform area since no one spawns there anyway.
  • Improve the spawning such that people don't spawn on top of each other (and get smashed into another dimension).
  • Move the remaining platform area to the center of the map space.
  • Reduce the size of the asteroid field to about 2/3 OR make it completely surround the single platform area. This will discourage flying far enough out to even activate the teleport (which often puts you at full speed on a collision course with the platform area).
  • Limit the number of secondary homing weapons on the small fast ship that spawns on top of the multistoried command center. It's too easy to get that ship and destroy everything. (NOTE: You are NOT safe camping in the ATST if I'm flying that little ship. When you hear the little alarm sound, it's over.)


Overall, this map is terrific for a change of pace. It has given me a few ideas for a future Siege map I would create.

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I tried the kotor_flight_school map offline and it is actually much much easier to control without lag.


I know you went to some trouble InsaneSith, but the tweak actually made things worse for me (online). I will try it offline though, perhaps the lag was responsible. The guy I was playing with had the opposite impression, so who knows.


I tried messing with my mouse settings, and that helped a little, but I still go some shakiness (I had less shakiness before the tweak).


Or maybe I'm just used to it... heh

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The only time I get the shaky camera effect is when, prior to launch, some meathead jumps on top of my ship. The liftoff instantly kills him, giving me a point in FFA. At that point, the camera starts shaking like a nervous, overly caffeinated octagenarian with Parkinson's disease.


I love analogies

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I also noticed (this may be a bug or it may not be, only tried it once) that if you're being actively fired upon it can stop you from "taking off."


Another player was firing on me with a Heavy Blaster Cannon and I was taking damage and couldn't get "off the ground" (stuck floating a few inches off the ground) until I blew up.


; )

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Now my server runs this map as well


Server name: |GlobensGeng|Server



That address is an internal IP. If I were directly connected to your LAN, it would be useful. :rolleyes: To find your external IP address, you'll need to run winipconfig (Windows 98/ME) or ipconfig (Windows NT/2000/XP) from a DOS prompt.


I suppose I'll just look for the name of your server using the All-Seeing Eye.

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Originally posted by Kurgan

I tried the kotor_flight_school map offline and it is actually much much easier to control without lag.


I know you went to some trouble InsaneSith, but the tweak actually made things worse for me (online). I will try it offline though, perhaps the lag was responsible. The guy I was playing with had the opposite impression, so who knows.


I tried messing with my mouse settings, and that helped a little, but I still go some shakiness (I had less shakiness before the tweak).


Or maybe I'm just used to it... heh

yeah... well I kind of set it up to around my mouse and my mouse settings >_<

I'm gonna continue working on it. I might release other versions but I don't know right now, I'm kind of in a squeeze with girls at school right now so my mind is as far from the computer as it could ever be. :\ .... anyway enough of my complaining. Glad to know some people like it I guess.

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Here is the map author's response to my suggestions:


sadly you are missing the point of the second platform witch is for ctf. so sadly that won't happen it is to also to encourage the learning to land aspect.

the final version will have some turned down weapons and many wonderfull things that I dont want to say yet(surprise)but beleive me you will like it if you even slightly liked the beta .7 version at all.:)

as far as the teleports well people will have more room to fly but the idea is jsut so you dotn crash into a wall and if the asteroids were in a different point it woudl allow people to avoid them adn they are oen of the main asspects of the training field so to destroy adn some to dodge.But dotn get em wrong I do appriciate the opnion and advice, so thanks adn glad you enjoy the map :)



I can accept the second platform for CTY.


But the asteroids.... He could keep the asteroids in between platforms but still put some to deter exploration into the teleport areas. Make those all indestructable.


But whatever...it's a decent, fun map.

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I'm using a microsoft intellimouse explorer3 optical wiredmouse. 5 button


Uhhhh... I dunno. It's also kind of how I'm used to control vehicles in games but kind of off remember I'm still a bit sketchy on the numbers and how elaborate the range is.


I have an Intellimouse Optical (5 button) so that's pretty close. It may even use the same software for all I know.


Well it would say in your mouse setup program (Mouseware... click on your toolbar if there's a mouse icon and it'll say mouse properties.. just feed me the settings you have there), so if you could take a bit and look it up and tell me I'd appreciate it. If it's not in your toolbar, it will be in your control panel under "Mouse."


First you could tell me what the settings are IN JA. For example... what level is your sensitivity? Do you use "Smooth mouse"?


Do you have mouse inverted or not?

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Will the release of the JA sdk get rid of the fogging issue that plagues that level? I mean is that just a technical limitation resolved in JA? Great fun though, I cant wait to see what sort of mods and maps come out of this game. I'm somewhat tempted to learn the process myself with holidays coming up in 3 weeks.

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Bobyx, actually those settings SHOULD affect how the ships perform.


Example: if you invert your mouse, it will invert the ship (which is already inverted, so it'll switch).


The only thing is if you set it up perfect for the ships, it will be messed up for your player running around.


So my advice is create a CFG file that's for ships and bind it to a key. Then create one that's perfect for walking/running as yourself and bind it to another key. Then you can switch off!


I still would be curious as to the EXACT (take a screenshot of your control menu for example) settings used by the guys who created the bettersteer vehicle tweaks. That way I could copy their settings for myself and see how well they work.

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