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can somebody tell me....


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yea it is rebel marine armor, i got that answered a few hours after i posted here by some guy running around in it. i chased him down for about 10 mins before he noticed i was trying to get his attention, probably on autorun.


does anybody know where a place to get good reb faction points is? trying to get reb fp in moenia isnt cutting it for me. im after that marine armor. are there any advanced planets that have reb mission terminals? what is the best place to get reb fp?

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Rori is one of Naboo's three moons. It's a planet for itself. It has terrain similar to Naboo, but more bogs, etc. for a more spooky atmosphere. It has two major cities, Narmle and Restuss, the latter being the capitol. Its flora and fauna are similar to Naboo, with some indigenous speices. The Rebel Outpost is located to the south of the moon, and has its own Starport, Cloning Center and Cantina, although not the typical buildings.Surrounding the outpost are many small Imperial camps, resulting in the opprotunity for many short and sweet missions. Before you make rebel, the one rebel mission terminal (the outpost is also equipped with a normal mission terminal) gives you missions for wookiee brawlers, medium pirates, etc. The planet Rori was created for this game.


All missions appear to me as level 9, so I don't really know the level of them. 9, I guess.


You are now educated on the Rori, especially the Rebel Outpost. :D

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Yup, the Rebel Outpost on Rori is the best place to make Rebel faction. Decent cash too for factioning, mission payoffs and don't forget to loot the corpses, some of those Imps must have got paid recently. :D








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They have changed missions to be based on your WHOLE group so you can get some nice diff 41 missions or so that give 6.2k credits and around 68 or 69 FP completing them +6 for 10%. Just make sure you have a nice strong guy with you.


Also if the mon cal was wearing the helm...lol it justs fits them perfect =P


If you are ranged and need some exp head outside of town and kill some vir vur, squalls, leviasqualls, and deranged/vicous squalls. Just run away and they won't catch up. Be afraid they bite hard =]


If you are on starsider server send me a tell and I can help you with some missions. If anyone else needs help with FP send me a tell if your on starsider.



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I tell you what I want some help with is this **** last part of the Cries of Alderaan 2 Rebel mission where you have to fight all the stormtroopers. I can't kill them. Someone told me to bleed one at a time and run from them. I try that but when I get back to the base all the stormtroopers are back. And I lag really bad I get like 1 fps most of the time so I'm not able to complete this mission. any help would be appreciated. I even tried it with my gurreck and probot droid and still no luck. Anyone willing to help? Name is Isyc and I am on Starsider

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