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Big Problem!


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Everytime i log on to the launch pad........ it loads up the updates and everything..... i log in my name......... then i press the play button and it loads up..... and then an error shows up and says, "Can not detect Direct 3D"! PLEASE tell me what i can do to?


P.S. I already tried reinstalling it... :(

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Please check the following and its not SWG's fault:


- DirectX 9 installed and installed properly. Download it again if necesary.


- Videodrivers up to date?


How bout other games that use D3D do they work.


Try scaling down the options a bit in the launcher options a bit (lots of selectables wich should decrease stress on your board)


Oh and BTW what kinda videocard is it?

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Post your PC specs.


Graphics card, Processor, Memory etc. I can take a look, and see how i can help you



direct 3d is a graphics thing. Either your graphics card is old and doesnt support 3d or it just doesnt support 3d, which means you will need a new graphics card.




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Guest DarthMaulUK

Geforce 3? which one? 32mb? 64?


RAM doesnt make much of a difference. I have just over 1 gig and i crash all the time.


Theres something in a computer that this game doesnt like and I havent tracked it down yet.


Make sure you download the very latest drivers for your graphics card. Last nvidia release was August 13, ATi have just released new drivers this week.


But if you have a 32MB card, and around 256 ram, you will need a prayer book to play. More ram certainly helps but it wont be the cause of this.



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Why windows 98?.


It will work i dont doubt that but driver support in 98 is sparse since this year.


I urge you to step up to XP or 2000 for that matter.


Wont say it'll work but new game support is better in 2000/XP for that.


at least try it...

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talk to the people in the troubleshooting chat before pressing play. They helped me out earlier when the game was screwed up on my comp. Either that or e-mail/call them. They'll take care of you a bit better than us less informed people. We can only make a guess, they can also guess, but their guess will be a bit more educated because they've doubtless had questions along the same lines before now.

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