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k guys I'm a little stuck. I changed a couple of the saber colours for JA. I edited everything I found to pertain to the colour off the sabersI changed.


In game they look fine, but when you swing, do a kata or anything else that requires a trail off the saber, the effects are always in the original colour. Also the glow they cast on walls and the floor are also still the original colour.


If anyone can help or direct me to which files in the assets.pk3's I have to change I would be forever greatful. I've been searching through them again and again.



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Ya I changed the .JPG's, and I found the effects files for the RGB code. I just cant figure out the values now. I was experimanting making drain black. //for drain it uses the lighting JPG's. In most of the .efx files the red value is 1 and green and blue are 0. So naturally I thought setting them all to 1 would be a shade of white grey or black... Ya thats a negative, it just made drain look like really bright lightening. So I set them all to 0, ya that just made drain invisible.... I'm gonna need to do some playing I think. Soon as I figure out the system I'll post it in General editing forums for everyones enjoyment.

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it's actually pretty simple to alter the trail colors (that is if you don't mind them all being identical), just open the sabers.shader, scroll to saberBlur and and set a constant rgbgen, it should look something like this;




cull twosided


clampmap gfx/effects/sabers/blurglow

blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE


rgbGen const ( 0.1 0.1 0.1 )



clampmap gfx/effects/sabers/swordtrail

blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE

rgbGen const ( 0.1 0.1 0.1 )




this sets them to grey (matches the sith sword)


ps;did you find the mp sabers wall sparks efx file?

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