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Can anyone model some more swords ?

Ones i want the most would be...


Dante's sword from Devil May Cry

(The Dante model has one attached to it but i cant use any 3D Modelling program, so i wouldn't know how to take it from that and make it into a seperate model)


Dragon Slayer (6ft Huge Sword)

(There was a game for the Dreamcast that had one of these in it, i'll find a pic of it, if anyones intrested)


And any famous Medievil Swords that were weilded by Knights,Kings etc ,like the Excaliber.


If anyones intrested, to make these i'd be most grateful :)

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Chrono made a cool sword/sbaer, its at JK2Files.com, and is called something like Master Chrono's Sword. ;)


If I ever figure out how to model, I'll start with weapons, and I'll make some sort of Sword.


By any chance, is Dragon Slayer from Soul Calibur I? :)

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