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Spending Faction Points other then Rebel and Imperial????

Colby Salmon

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The factions determine how other entities in the game perceive you. Positive faction is generally considered to be an ally. Some mobs, like thugs for example, won't attack you automatically until you faction toward them drops below a certain amount. I am not quite sure what that is at the moment.


Also, your faction standing will affect whether you can get missions from certain groups. If you have a negative faction they may not give you the mission.

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I have 5000 faction and I get Borva Missions if I want. However, I am still attacked by red Borva operatives.

I have -5000 Jabba Faction and I can get Jabba missions from his palace I am however attacked by is lackeys on sight.

I have 5000 faction for Tusken Raiders and they attack me on sight.

I have -5000 Jawa and they attack me on sight.


I spend very little time on Tatooine.


Faction points are fun to track but I don't think they are other wise useful yet.

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I have 5000 Jabba point's and I never get attacked by any of his guy's, including the aggro one's. They leave me alone, and usely say something stupid to me like saying hi.


Valerian, Jabba's enimies, go out of their way to attack me now. I am at -5000 with them, and on the map they can be either red or yellow, it does not matter, because they all will come after me. I can't even go to Mos Easily anymore. If I do, I will die almost as soon as I leave town.


Desert Demon Brawler's, thug's, tuskin's, they all hate me. If it is not Jawa, Jabba or Rebal, I will only be attacked by it while I am on Tatooine. I realy hate the planet anymore, but that is where I have my minning buesiness going. Thinking of moveing back to Talus.

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Well, most of the animals/creatures there have 8k-9k ham most have light armor.


If you have suppression fire it's pretty useful, I soloed a donawhuka with that. And if you got a strong pet he'lll be useful too. I use from either my kliknik hunter, kliknik defender, desert razorback, crystal snake, or my huurton huntress, which are all really tough.




The difficulty of the missions are 60



P.S. don't screw with the ewoks, it took me, another guy, my bull ronto, and his razor cat to take one down.....

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