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How about REALITY (for SW, that is)? *spoilers*


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there are no NPC's cause Luke faxes them before you go to tell them to get the hell out of there cause theres jedi buisiness afoot



yeah i would have liked more NPC's too but it was still good


and if you started killing all the innocent ppl you would pretty much have to go darkside before the choice is made


that would kinda mess up the story

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Grr... and here I thought Kurgan was an ally... but no!!! I am alone in my view of civilians, it seems.


Except JK, all the DF series have been mostly without civilians. Why add them? They'd just get in the way, and be irritating. Atmosphere? Who cares? I certainly don't. And Kurgan's right... I don't think Q3 could handle it. Some game engines are built to be able to handle it. Regardless of how many NPC's you can theoretically handle, it'll slow down. Just setting "g_corpseremovaltime 0" slows down my computer. And those are dead people who aren't doing anything, so... it would probably be a strain on most PC's.

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Are having civilans in an FPS a main priority? - In the big scheme of things, probably not.


Are having civilians in an FPS more work for the developers to do right? Yes - which is why I can understand the desision to not include any. (As a wise little green dude once said - Either do, or do not...)


Are having civilians in an FPS (specifically JKA) technically feasible? Undoubedly yes - taking into account specific scenes and areas which would benefit from them.


Does having civilans in an FPS suddenly make it an RPG? Hell no.


If you were to include civilians in an FPS, would you HAVE to try and match the kind of NPC-content of games like KOTOR ? SWG? Or course not...


Does having civilians in an FPS help the feeling of immersion? Even if they do little more than just roam around, and then run for cover when the saber ignites? Hell yes.


Is a sense of immersion important to an FPS game? (Especially a SW FPS?) HELL YES!!


If Raven had had more man power and/or time avaliable to put into JKA, and therefore been able to include well-coded NPC's in appropaite places, would JKA have been a better game for it? - I have no problem with confidently stating - YES!

Those who aren't into NPC's would just ignore them and carry on shooting regardless - i.e. it wouldn't ruin their enjoyment.


...but for those of us who enjoy the immersion factor while playing games like these, it would have been a very welcome improvement...

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IMO the absence of civilians wasn't the biggest flaw in the Coruscant level - you're spending most of the time on rooftops after all, like it was said. The few "public spaces" like landing platforms and that one street strip could use people though.


The biggest flaw is the boring walls! I'm talking about stuff like videoscreens playing commercials, neon ads, posters... stuff like that. Take any scene from the level and imagine some huge neon ads and vidoscreens pasted on the walls of the surrounding buildings, tell me it wouldn't look better. That would take some major re-texturing of the level though. I don't know hard that would be to do, but sure would make my day. Throw a few civies here and there and bob's your uncle.

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T-Dogg, you're sort of right. But why would you be only on rooftops on Coruscant? We should have been able to run through some of the buildings and wake up people who then proceeded to run away or be consoled by the sight of the lightsaber, as your actions would mandate.


RenegadeOfPhunk - thank you. That's about the perfect way of putting it.


I'd love to see the modding community put it it, Kurgan (which makes me salute you, Tito). I just didn't see it happening back on JK2 very much, and I don't foresee a lot of people doing it for JA. While I look forward to seeing those that do, for most people it'll just be too much work - which is sad, but unsurprising.

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"But, if you can point me to another FPS game with graphics comparable to JA that offers npc's and realistic environment akin to something like Galaxies or KOTOR, be my guest and show it to me. I'll concede the point."


sof2 - in between levels you could just walk around in and see and kind of interact with people


morrowind(lower player polycount, high enviorment/fx/shaders)


call of duty if you consider the fact that you always have a sqaud with you and you fight massive ammounts of troops



I think for raven it was more of a time constraint.

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RenegadeofPhunbk took the words from my mouth, that is how I would put it.

Having NPCs acting how they should and being where they should be adds a lot to the sense of immersion in the game, wich is something all Star Wars games need to have (just look when LucasArts is promoting some new SW game, it will ALWAYS say: "Immersive experience in the Star Wars universe with tons of characters, blah, blah, blah).

And come on, there's no way NPCs would ruin a gamer's experience, even if he does not care for NPCs.

As already stated before, the system could handle it easily.


As for SWG, well, when the game got out and the reviews and info surfaced, I must say I was really disappointed with that game. No way I'm paying that crapload of $ per month to have some disappointing experience. But that's just me, I understand that some people love the game and have fun with it, its just my own opinion.

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I'd like to see some levels with civilian NPC's in them by the modders. I'd also like to see them include them if another JK game ever comes out - and there's feelings both ways on whether one should or not. It might be more work, but it would be better - if you don't work, you don't get the reward.


Unfortunately for me, I can't even get KOTOR or Galaxies - I don't meet the specs for the first, and I don't have broadband, which sucks with Galaxies, so...

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