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novice merchant


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Don't really know how to...I think hes right about the vendors though, I had some up and sold a few things, I also have sold a lot of harvesters on the bazaar...when I went for merchant I already had a cap of 10k merchant xp somehow...seeing that I would say you just get it from selling things on the bazaar and your vendors...

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You get merchant xp of:


Acces fee on your house

even if you let people pay 1 credit for 5000 minutes you still get the same amount of merchant xp


People LOOKING on your vendor

if people just check out your vendor you get xp


People BUYING stuff of your vendor

If people buy stuff of your vendor you get xp


and believe me once you set and acces fee and a vendor up with good stuff... you wilkl get merchant xp like mad :)


hope i helped


Corzip Dinn

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