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"elevator in the floor"


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I am having trouble in my map. What I have is a tall tower, and there is an elevator in the middle. When you step in the elevator it whisks you up to the roof, and you step off. You would then duel there. However, when dueling I dont want you duelers to fall through the elevator shaft. I was thinking of using a door there with a small switch on the roof, but is there a way to make doors stay closed until you hit the button again, not just have a long timer?

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First, you want to select the parts of your func_door, hit n, and give them a key called "team" and a value of "group_1" (Giving the door the team key makes all of the parts of your func_door move together at the same time, if you only have a door with one part, then don't add this) Next, give them another key called "targetname" and a value of "group_1" Now what you want to do is make a trigger_multiple surrounding the area you want the door button to be. Give the trigger_multiple a key called "target" and a value of "group_1" Then check the "use_button" spawnflag box. This will make it so the door can only be opened if someone is in this trigger and pushes their use button. Good luck.

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