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Single Player Hilt Mods

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I've tried editing the MENUS.str file, but for some reason my saber name does not seem to take effect. In the SP saber selection menu, the saber appears OK, but it has the name of Firebrand, just like hilt 9. What am I missing? Here is what I have in my MENUS.str file:



NOTES "saber hilt name"




NOTES "saber hilt name"

LANG_ENGLISH "Firebrand"



NOTES "saber hilt name"

LANG_ENGLISH "Blue Destiny"



NOTES "saber hilt name"



Is there something I am doing or not doing that might cause this?

Thanks for any help...

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Hmm...You've got me stumped on that one, Prime. There's no reason it shouldn't work. It's in the strings\english folder, right? It's a stupid question, I know, but it's all I can think of that might cause it to not recognize the name.


Also, when you go backward in the list, like from hilt 1 to hilt 10, does it still give its name as Firebrand or does it give the name of the first hilt?

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Originally posted by JediLurker

Hmm...You've got me stumped on that one, Prime. There's no reason it shouldn't work. It's in the strings\english folder, right? It's a stupid question, I know, but it's all I can think of that might cause it to not recognize the name.

Yes it is. I extracted the original from assets0.pk3, and it appears to have the right path. :confused:


Originally posted by JediLurker

Also, when you go backward in the list, like from hilt 1 to hilt 10, does it still give its name as Firebrand or does it give the name of the first hilt?

Yep, it displays Firebrand both ways. Maybe I'll try altering some of the names for other sabers and see if that works OK...



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We have corrected the problem with the Obi-Wan TPM and AOTC Hilts, and this is THE FIRST anybody has mentioned that Mara Jade's hilt is mistextured. Thank you for telling us, and we'll fix it with "More Hilts 1.5b", when we've finished it. It'll be done in a week and a half, or so. It'll have fixes on little minor glitches. Any other things you want fixed?

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Originally posted by Forceflow_tap

We have corrected the problem with the Obi-Wan TPM and AOTC Hilts, and this is THE FIRST anybody has mentioned that Mara Jade's hilt is mistextured. Thank you for telling us, and we'll fix it with "More Hilts 1.5b", when we've finished it. It'll be done in a week and a half, or so. It'll have fixes on little minor glitches. Any other things you want fixed?

Many saber mods I have seen have a gap bewteen the end of the hilt and the blade (especially noticable in the saber selection screen). If yours has this problem as well, is it possible to fix this too?
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Actually, I have noticed that occur on some of the hilts, but the thing of it is, I'm not sure how to fix it. That, and my harddrive is dying... Besides that, I think I'll set up a skin file for Mara Jade's lightsaber. But, if that doesn't fix anything, then that's how it's supposed to look. Besides, I'd assume most of you know what lightsaber she actually uses: Luke's from Episode IV and V. If I can figure out what it is that does that on the saber menu screen, I can try to fix it, but I'm still not sure what causes that problem.

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  • 2 weeks later...

:cool: With the stuff in this thread I've managed to put togeather a swords pack that, apart from replacing the exisitng hilts, adds in 15 new weapons. They all work fine for the player, for NPC's and for multiplayer.




One wierd thing though: In the saber select menu the names of the last two sabers tend to be mixed up with other swords. This happened when I had 11 extra sabers, and then when I added 4 more the same thing happened to the last sabers on THAT list, and then the same when I re-arranged the order a bit.


It's nothing critical, just an FYI so no one panicks.

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