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Post from Official SWG Forums About Jedi


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I post this here for those of you who can't get to the Official SWG forums and for those of you, like me, who can get there but never go. The following post was by Q-3PO in the following forum:

Star Wars Galaxies Forums : Professions : Jedi

Subject of post:

I sense a disturbance in the Force

This was posted 10/6/03.

He says:

When it comes to information about Jedi, we’re generally going to keep a closed lip. There have been a lot of rumors in the past few months. Some have been true, most haven’t. Here is what I will tell you though:




I expect to see our first Jedi within the next couple of weeks. We’ll let you know when that happens. If someone tells you they have already become a Jedi, they probably aren’t being truthful or are playing a different Star Wars game. We have been making some tweaks to the Jedi system from internal testing (little stuff like final death=loss of all skills, not deletion of character. Effectively it is the same thing, except you don’t have to keep hunting for a new name with your force sensitive slot - unless you want to that is)




The one rumor I will confirm, this upcoming publish will introduce the Dark Jedi. Currently on the Jedi FAQ we say that it is a future feature. I want to let you know that the future has come. Dark Jedi is one of those features we’ve been working on behind the scenes and it is finally just about through internal testing. Looks like it is just in time.


From reading more post in the above forum it appears you need to collect Holocrons from npc's. They are saying only certain high level npc's mostly on dangerous planets have these Holocrons. These Holocrons will tell you a profession to master. Apparently you have to master more than one. Eventually you will open your FS slot this way. There are many other "theories" floating around on the forums but I didn't want to post a bunch of rumors. Anyone else have anything to add that they have confirmed?

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Originally posted by Jan Gaarni

That's just too easy, and would make this game yet another Jedi game ... in a time when there were no Jedi. :rolleyes:


I agree. I'm not even sure I want to open my FS slot. If this is true we will see MANY Jedi within a year.

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There were no Jedi that showed themselves publicly. There were thousands of force sensative people. Also, i'm sure. That there are other Jedi masters besides those of the old republic

There were probably thousands of Force sensetive people, yes, but that does not make one a Jedi. And no, there aren't alot of Jedi Masters left, pretty much Yoda is the only one, and a handfew left, otherwise the Great Jedi Purge would have been pointless.


No Masters, no traininggrounds, no Jedi. :)

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Guest DarthMaulUK

in other words.... we are gonna drag it out a bit longer to be a jedi.


How can mastering a skill in dancing unlock force powers? i mean, is that the best they can do?! lol



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