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Different Saber Colors


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you can either open the game pk3s and find the necessary image file for the sabre blade colour, and manually edit it to the colour you want and then add it, replacing say orange


Hmm, any chance that there is a way to do it, without replacing an already existing color?



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Theorectically, yes, it can be done. I haven't tried this yet, but I'm going to once my harddrive is replaced. Open "Assets1.pk3" and find where all the lightsaber blade colors are kept. Extract all the files for ONE color, and here's what you do. Put the files you want to add in in those extracted folders, after deleting the ones originally in there. Now, change the color name of the folders, so that it will work correctly. Now, you want to extract the "saber.menu" and open it up with notepad after making sure you've removed the check on "readonly". Now, open up the sabermenu and scroll until you see the listing for the saber colors.

Copy entire string for the last color, and paste it. Change the colors to what you want, except for the icon box. Leave the icon box alone or you'll probably cause a bunch of unwanted trouble. Save your work, and make sure you've done your new saber color for the 2nd blade box as well. Change the values for the location (it'll be a string of three numbers, like 576) to 616, for both. Now, save again, then zip up everything and make it into a pk3 file. Put it into the Gamedata/Base directory where the "Assets.pk3s" are, and start up the game. If you coded it correctly, when you go into the saber creation screen, you should see an extra saber color icon box. Click it and if everything works, you should see your new color. If not, continue anyway and see if it shows up after the level loads. If it does show up, swing it. When you swing it, it'll probably display some wierd swinging color glitch. Now, keep in mind I haven't attempted this yet, but I think this is how it would work.

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ok, i have the hole changing the color of another thing down, but heres the catch, how do i change the trail color, i made a white blade, it shows up white, but when you swing, theres a yellow trail? is there a way to change that, heres a few pics to show what i'm talking about:


as you can see in this pic, the blade is white



but what i want to do is make the yellow in the pic white also



any help with this would great.

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Originally posted by AzureAngel

actually people have the people in Jedi Mod/Omnimod/GenX have done it and have enven changed the shape of the blade. its the RBG editing system

dont ask me how....


Ah, yeah. That one. But that, I believe, was coded. As for adding/changin intial saber colors, I don't think it has been done.


IMO: If you change a saber glow color and the core color, the blur should try to match it, it shouldn't be hard-coded into the game what color is which. :p Though if my idea is more difficult to code, I'd understand why they hard-coded it.

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