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getting worse to find good duels


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Well, that saber throw and lightning level 2, etc, issue are just one cheap coward way of playing-winning a game.

Its cheap because u can run like a coward the whole match, saber throwing and lightning me, till i eventually die, even in small dueling maps.

I wont die, cause i have heal, and i wont really get hurt by your saber thorws and lightnings cause i have absorb and i can just stand there blocking your atacks. But the problem here is not abuse of powers, the problem is that people can make a duel last forever (literally) and u canot do something about it if they really dont want to fight, if the server has set the force regen time to >50 and jedi master level. The only thing left for you is follow their game that will end with your dead body in the ground, or try to WIN that will last an hour or just wont end.

U can use speed-bunyhop to run, u can use mindtrick, push, almost any power can be overused to get a cheap kill or a coward run.

In a power duel server if was fighting two other players, one dark and the other light. It had a regen time of 100 i guess and jedi master level. I use single saber, so i hit them, but they ran and heal or drain me, they were two, so they came from infront and from the back. It was imposible for me to kill them cause they healed constantly (so i did). I used absorb so their pulls, drains and lights wont afect me, but after jumping lunging kating and so my force pool emptys very fast and then i have to buny hop away to regen some. Its hard enough to fight againts a staff and dual saberist together with one saber, but the fact that they can heal makes it imposible. After half an hour of nonsense fight, we and the people waiting to duel agreed to not use force powers at all. That way i concentrated in the dual first, then the staff was fair easy.

The solution to this is no-force duels or low-level force powers duels and a default regen time. If not, people will overuse force powers and be cheap-cowardrunners.

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Originally posted by Katt

The problem with the majority of people that abuse things in the game is you think it's about winning and losing and nothing else. I can abuse things in the game and win as much as the next person. Problem is (and this is the important part): It's BORING!


Ok, if it's boring to you, you won't win as much. Since winning/losing doesn't mater much to you, there's no problem, right?


There are things wrong with this game, just like there were things wrong with JK2 before it got patched. Yes, you can choose to be hardup for wins, and spam the broken crap that works. The rest of us would like to (gasp) have fun and win/lose based on the way the game was intended. I lose a great many fights that are fun. Not a problem. But when I, or others, resort to abusing loopholes in the game just to get wins, it's no longer fun.


How do you know how the game was intended? It's new, there hasn't been any patches that say certain gameplay aspects are "broken." If you get killed by someone spamming the same thing over and over, that says something about your skill. Don't complain about it here please. Everything is counterable/avoidable in JA.


And I sincerely hope you're not stupid enough to think certain things you spam over and over again are not broken. If they weren't, we would not be able to win using just that. Period.


[sarcasm]oic... I guess you're not supposed to win NF matches by spamming saber swings. My bad. I guess it's broke.[/sarcasm]


Yes, patches will come out to fix these problems, just like before. You can choose to try having fun and not abuse what's broken, or you can choose to be hardup for wins and abuse and spam however many broken concepts this game has to get your precious ego-boosting wins while boring the hell out of everyone else. But please don't come off so stupid as to thinking this has anything to do with winning or losing to idiots that abuse what's broken. Any monkey can abuse the loopholes in this game. There are those of us trying to have a fun game, where we have enough sense of self worth to try playing while avoiding the broken crap that will clearly be patched (yaw abuse on barrier dual-saber anyone? *sigh*)


Translation: "It 'bores' me when someone beats me using tactics that I do not approve of."


This whole thing is really not debatable. The morons that are hardup for wins will continue to abuse what's broken until it's patched. Original poster was just venting his frustrations with such morons ruining game after game. Some servers have gone so far as to boot such losers. I applaud them. If you're hardup for wins, by all means continue to abuse the game to your heart's content. No one can force you to not be a moron. Enjoy.



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weird how a simple game like streetfighter can have the same "honor" problems as a complex game like this one


i guess there isnt too much hope that it will ever end but then again there isnt much hope for them that we will ever stop either


this is war :vamp1:

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Originally posted by g//plaZma

Ok, if it's boring to you, you won't win as much. Since winning/losing doesn't mater much to you, there's no problem, right?

Wrong. That person's beating pretty much everyone, and I have to fight the same boring fight over and over again: a 1 move spamming idiot. Now I have to do the same. Now it's up to luck who wins (assuming we both have the limited skill part down where timing's involved). Not fun.


How do you know how the game was intended?
Common sense. One method is not meant to win hands down no matter what opponent does. Again, common sense.


[sarcasm]oic... I guess you're not supposed to win NF matches by spamming saber swings. My bad. I guess it's broke.[/sarcasm]
By taking it that far, you merely show how little you understand about the topic. :rolleyes:
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Originally posted by Katt

By taking it that far, you merely show how little you understand about the topic. :rolleyes:


No, but we are pretty sure how much happens when a few people crying gets gameplay changes so far off base that it screws a game over.


Those of us who are serious in our gaming know that any move can be countered even if the counter is not obvious or it is right under our noses. Your failure to investigate, and instead come here and cry like a little bitch only makes you look very, very stupid.


Right now, the only gametype that is seriously hindered is SO/FF CTF, but I doubt you play that. You're probably one of those people that would kick a person off for capping the flag and /amsit in a corner with others singing coumbyah. I don't know what's more fun, kicking off people for playing the game or creating a cyber circle-jerk with massive crying if the orgy is disrupted, but it must make you feel all high and mighty.




Since you are so avid against saying that level 2 lightning should be nerfed, or Absorb should not be allowed, or even going as far as saying as hit and run tactics are pussy ****, I need only say this:


Cry me a river, build me a bridge, and get the hell over it.


Where there's a will, there's a way. Unfortunately, for the spineless ones (read: you), you don't have the balls to try to counter it.


Spider Al, meet Katt. I think the he/she needs to hear one of your tirades.

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It seems very difficult for people to discuss topics like these without resorting to constant petty name calling and flaming each other with personal attacks.


You've stated your claims about "lamers" and you've recieved many possible solutions, some more cizilied and constructive than others.


Now let's put this topic to rest. If you want to continue to discuss it further fine, but ditch all the flaming crap. It IS possible to debate controversial issues without insulting the other person, believe it or not. I see it done every day in the Senate Chambers. Take a hint from them (most of them), who can debate politely and in a mature manner so that ideas can actually be measured for their worth and the debate skills of the participants can be compared rather than who can come up with the snappiest come-back insult or most creative flame.


As for me, I'm on the side of the guys who prefer to just play the game as it was made, not to make up rules that aren't found anywhere in the manual or in-game rules. But that doesn't mean I am closing this thread because of that, rather than things have gotten out of hand because people need more practice in discussing like grown-ups.


Moving on then...

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