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For lvl 2 in DF...


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lvl 2 is a former rebel base that imps took over after Dark Troopers wiped the place out...there are a ton of dead rebel bodies in the level, but in DF they are like rotting corpses, not just a dead nme or somethin


:edit:So Im wondering how they are going to make the dead bodies look...

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Yeah, they look like the remains of uncle Owen and aunt Beru. Charred skeletons. Those Dark Troopers could be brutal. :p


It was a bit...disturbing...playing that level. 'Course maybe it's because I was ten or so at the time. Are you going to make a charred skeleton body model or is it just going to be Rebel bodies? Personally, I wouldn't mind either way.

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I would just take rebels, no corpse rott so fast that they are skeletons in a couple of days, well maybe the Imperials just burnd them. But why singel? why not pile them? The plasmacannons of the DTs couldn't had been that, if Kyle blasts a stormtrooper or an officer they didn't burn. :D

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Yeah, the charred corpses show just how ruthless and amoral the Dark Troopers are and how evil their Empire is. Now that I think about it, dead bodies simply lying there might not have the same affect. Bodies burned beyond recognition, on the other hand would remind gamers that the Empire is truly evil, not just a bumbling group of dull-witted stormies.

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I don't remember being especially scared when I played that level-somehow the hydroelectric plant had a soothing effect. (Don't ask). I was probably kinda freaked out when I first realized what the bodies actually were, though. That level did quite a good job of providing the feeling of the aftermath of a devastating attack. Also note that many of those bodies were probably civilians (most of the bodies were actually outside the rebel base).


I actually remember the 3rd level as being quite scary. Actually, it still is, somewhat. Not that I'm terrified while I play it, but just that I feel relieved every time I come out of the darkness into the central area again.


One of the best things about DF is the way its levels not only portray locations but evoke feelings, like the 2nd level, showing a city devastated by the Imperials with its citizens brutally murdered. I think the bodies should be in the mod just like they were in the original game.


I apologize if that didn't make sense. Sleep is a good thing.

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Level two is my favorite. Back in 1995, when I was 9, it was the just super cool to play and beat. I could only beat about 4 levels without cheats back then and that was one.


I wonder if it would be possible to have a video made showing the maps after they have been completed.

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I could beat most of the levels except #3 without cheats back then, although I almost always used them. On #3 it took me a few minutes when I replayed the game a year ago to finally realize that

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Creative level design/puzzle in my opinion, although the vault on the Coruscant level is probably my favorite.

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I only played a three-level demo of Dark Forces at a friend's house once when I was about ten.

originally posted by Tempsta:

and as for the rotting bodies, they werent even modles :p if you look at them and move around they just stay the same way rotating

Wasn't that the case for all of the corpses?

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