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Adding Sounds to Cutscenes?


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So i guess you got your cutscene working, thats good.


For talking, take the npc you want to talk, click him, hit n, for the key type NPC_targetname (NPC must be capitalized) and for the value, type anything you want, this is that npcs "name" for this example, i will say storm1 (like its a stormtrooper) ok so for the NPC you have:


key: NPC_targetname

value: storm1


save, and compile.


now load up BehavEd. Double click "affect" on the left, it should go into the main view. click it again, and type in the npcs name (for the example, its storm1) then, click the + sign thingy, and double click task, so its right under the affect space. For the task, type in whatever you want, it just describes what he/she does. For the example, i will call it talk. Ok, now double click the sound thingy, hit the drop down menu, and choose voice. (make sure the sound thing is under the task thing) and type in the sound file (sounds\chars\......) then close up the task thing by hitting the - sign. Double click the "do" button on the left. Make it go directly under the task. then for the do, type in what you called the task. (for the example, its called talk)


to show you what it looks like: (i know, my example was a bit confusing)





affect ( "storm1", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH )



task ( "talk" )





do ( "talk" );




its just 4 simple lines! Its not hard once you learn it... i really hope it helps you out.

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how do you get new music to come on with a cutscene? to change the mood e.t.c

also, how do you use the message function in behave ed?

im not sure what it was at the mo butit was something like "print" command. where does it goe if you have a camera cutscene. do you need a start/end point like the camera on/off commands?

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Originally posted by Szico VII

how do you get new music to come on with a cutscene? to change the mood e.t.c

also, how do you use the message function in behave ed?

im not sure what it was at the mo butit was something like "print" command. where does it goe if you have a camera cutscene. do you need a start/end point like the camera on/off commands?


Print doesn't work, there is no way to print text in that manner in a cutscene. However, you can print straings of text in normal play (see Dark Alliance) or use the subtitles to make text (see Occupation). Music can be similarly to voice.

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