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Hey, i don't have SWG, and im really not sure if i should get it. Ive never played a muliplaying online game before, and i love star wars, but im not sure if its worth paying a fee for it every month. Also ive been trying to convince my mum to pay for it but shes scared that someones gonna hack her credit card if she puts it online cos its happened before. The game isnt out over here (UK) yet, so yea could you guys help me out?

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I was just in the same boat as you a couple days ago. Look at the thread below called "Is it worth it for me to play?"


I have just got the game and have only played for a few hours. I was skeptical at first as to wether it would be worth all the money or not, since very early on I wasn't having too much fun. There are a lot of things to learn if you want to play the game properly. So far I only really know enough to handle the beginning missions, and my combat skills are pathetic. I was lucky enough however to have another poster on here offer me some advice and assistance on what I should be doing.

I think as I get more experienced and gain more skills, I'll start enjoying the game more. But another thing I noticed was that there are much fewer people online that I expected. Probably due to my server choice, though, and perhaps I was not on a popular planet.


So what I want to say is, if you dedicate enough time to the game, it seems like it can be very enjoyable. Otherwise it will go slowly, it pays to have patience.

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I play on starsider. Not a medic though... :rolleyes:

I sometimes think I should have been... or make a change. I started as an artisan, and I also got novie marksman. I'm asvancing in marksman faster than the artisan though even though I do artisan missions constantly.

Well, I'm always up for some guidance/assitance in the game if anybody can help me out.

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Just don't be affraid to try all diffenernt professions. You can always cancel them if you don't like them. I was almost a Master SCOUT then decided I didn't like it so I canceled all me skill in that tree then went Commando and love that but realized I wanted CH with that so I had to travel up to of the Scout trees professions again to get Novice CH.


My current character is a Wookiee and skill are these

Master Marksman

Novice Brawler with LvL 4 unarmred

Novice Scout with Explor 4 and Hunting 4

Commando with Lvl 2 field tatics, Flame 4, and almost Acid 1

Creature hadler with Tame 2, Train1, Empathy1,Manag 1

Novice pistoleer with Pistol stance and grips(canceling Pistoleer)


My goal is:


Master Commando

Creature Handler with 2-2-1-2

Should be a nice character build all around.

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Originally posted by seadonkey78

I play on starsider. Not a medic though... :rolleyes:

I sometimes think I should have been... or make a change. I started as an artisan, and I also got novie marksman. I'm asvancing in marksman faster than the artisan though even though I do artisan missions constantly.

Well, I'm always up for some guidance/assitance in the game if anybody can help me out.

well contact me inagme :) i always help out people :) the name is Corzip Dinn in game :)



medic 4-4-4-4 (mastered)

Marksman 0-4-0-4

scout 4-0-0-0


Doctor 1-4-2-1

Pistoleer 1-2-3-1


what my character was:

Artisian 4-4-4-4 (mastered)

Entertainer 0-3-0-4


architect 4-4-4-4 (mastered)

Merchant 0-1-0-0

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