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Name for new SW RTS

Darth Windu

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'Return of the Double Posters' is too generous, Vostok... how about 'Brutal Murder of All Post Clones'? It even has a Star Wars ring with the word 'Clones'!


But, Windu, 'A Galaxy In Flames' suggests that the galaxy is, indeed, embroiled in desperate conflict and battle. Which, in many cases, it is not. Indeed, considering that the campaigns and races span a great number of time periods and political situations. Titles are quite often based around the premise of the main single-player campaign, but I don't think we'll be able to pin it down to any one thing with this game.

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Pity none of will ever take the time to read all, oh, 13 pages of it. If they do that, there can be no doubt that the will immediately transform into either a) serial flamers, b) paranoid schitzophrenics, or (although the chance of this is very little) c) fanatic followers of Windu.

That's if, by around page 8, their liver hasn't promptly jumped up their aesophagus and choked them to death to prevent them from reading any more.

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