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Youngsters in MI5?


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"Youngsters" as in little kidnicks? I don't see why not. It's not that they'd be cute; personally, I think Guybrush-offspring could be a terrifying thing (just imagine. Little porcelain-fearing kleptomaniacs running all over the Caribbean. We'd be doomed.). I'm just for it because I think, for some reason, that Guybrush would be a fairly good father. *shrug*

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They have the potential to be really irritating. No... they WOULD be really irritating. Mind you It's not as if they could make the series any worse. It's already gone down the toilet and is making it's way slowly through the sewers towards a burial at sea.

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they can do what they please with the series - kids, dogs, cats, parents-in-law, etc, i just wish ron gilbert would either:


-buy the rights to the series and make a third game his way




-publish the way he wouldve ended the series in book form or something.


With an ending like the one in mi2, the way he never got to finish off the series is just a tragedy.

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I've been thinking, and I've decided that if we dont play as Guybrush in MI5, I want to play as Bart and Fink. Just consider them.



They're loveable, adventurous, have obviously had many adventures before the Largo Embargo, and probably many more afterwards. It could either be controlled like in Sam and Max where you control one character, or like in Indiana Jones where you change characters at random times.



I think, out of all other people in the series, they would have the must fun lives. Pirates. Humor. Etc.


Give it a thought...;)

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Before monkey island 2 guybrush did a lot of treasure hunting/adventuring and even grew a beard. I think they could make a game based during that time and it could be a lot of fun. No fearsome evil undead pirate though. :( Would it be too much to ask to have micheal land and ron gilbert back and make the game 2d again? If it is then it doesnt really matter what it's about or when it takes place because it's probably not gonna be nearly as good as the originals.

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