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I didn't know it was THAT bad...


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... on The Zone.


Being in a "must play star wars game" period, I decided to check out what was the situation on the zone... and I must say it surprised me...


Of the 38 available games, 2 of them were RMs... All the other ones were just some pointless scenarios I never heard about...


Why do I created this topic?


Simple. The next SW RTS needs to have it's own multiplayer provider. Something like JK2 (JA)'s server stuff (which I never completly understood) or, even better, something like battle.net is clearly a must.


We don't want to see our new SW RTS die because of those d@mned scenarios! Ok, I liked to play those like Life in the big City when I had completly nothing to do, but these are SP.


P.S.: I know this stuff was partially debated I while ago, but since we have *nothing* to talk about right now, I decided to bring it back.

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Well I've always believed (contrary to what some forumites say) that the Zone sucks.


Seriously though, I think it would probably be beneficial for LucasArts to create their own multiplayer hosting site. They've recently brought out several great multiplayer games (I'm not including the MMORPGs, which require servers far beyond what LucasArts can provide), and having their own hosting site might be a worthwhile investment. Of course, with the stir-ups going on in their staff, who knows what may be on the horizon for LucasArts...

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It's not always THAT bad. There's usually more than 2 RM games in progress when I'm on. A problem I find is that although there are often quite a few RM games going on, the range of abilities is quite wide, so it can sometimes be difficult to find game with people who are about the same level as me. I can usually get at least one game a night though, even if it means waiting a while.

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Originally posted by StarWarsPhreak

Solution: Direct IP with friends or forumers (if you can drag some forumers from their "lives").


That's exactly what I do :) (even modem sometimes :rolleyes: )


Like Vostok said, they could host all of their games there (much like b.net). That would be great. I never really liked the zone also (I played there for the first time after a friend of mine persuaded me to play rogue spear there) ...


Perhaps we could also have the new "anonymous matchmaking" stuff, as in WC and AoM.

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Also, the whole AM stuff makes the people play more "normal games" than scenarios. It would help for sure.


It's nearly impossible to give more support than b.net does, but at least all of the "SW RTS 2" players would play at the same place. Right now, we have about a hundred peeps on the zone and fifty on gamespy, and considering that the game is dead (and that it used an outdated engine right at the start) we could easily have at least a thousand peeps playing at the same place (more games to join!) *if* LA comes out with something worthy this time (I do like SWGB, but it didn't do crap on the sales).


However, I doubt LA will find the money/time/employees needed to have this to work...


Off Topic : speaking about LA, does anybody knows anything about their new shooter announced at E3 (Republic Commando, IIRC). I never heard of it since then.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Its been an ongoing problem with lack of RM games. I even got Garry Gaber to post on this forum about the problems and asked the community to play in the correct rooms.


It was mentioned that the next game probably wouldn't be hosted on the MSN ZONE (alot of bad politics it seemed with each side blaming each other) and with the new SWG servers up, this does make it possible....maybe



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Originally posted by DarthMaulUK

Its been an ongoing problem with lack of RM games. I even got Garry Gaber to post on this forum about the problems and asked the community to play in the correct rooms.


The problem is (was) that most zone players don't read these boards. Many peeps just buy a game and play it; they don't always seek forums for questions/strategies.

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AoK/Conquerors is still huge on the zone. There's often 2-3000 people on at a time. I don't have them myself, so I don't know what things are like in the rooms, but I've heard RM is pretty strong and standards are generally higher than in GB/CC. I think the fact there are, or at least have been, cash tournaments is a big factor. A lot of the best GB players used to play AoK.

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