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Extra Characters Poll


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Who here thinks that besides the FS Slot there should also be the option to have another character on the same server without having 2 accounts. At first I thought it was kinda cool that you should only be allowed 1 character per server because it makes you focus on that character. But now it sucks because once you have maxed out that character to where you want him/her there nothing really to do. I think you should be allowed 2 characters per server plus the FS character, when unlocked. What do you think?

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Well here goes,


Even though I think that we should be able to have multiple characters on the same server, it would make the game extremely unfair to most other players(assuming of course that everyone wouyld take advantage of the "cheats" that would occur) Reasons being:


1) Think if a player hav say 3 accounts on one server. That player could make one character the primary character, like an archatect, and the rest of his characters could have all of their harvesters shared with teh primary one, therefore making it unfair that the primary woould have limitless resources. This would hurt the "economy" of the game.


2) Spying issues would come up.


3) In EQ it was ok for there to be multiple characters per account per server, because there wasnt the lot issue or the harvesting/house/PA hall issue. I mean 3 people could have 15 characters and a small city by themselves and it would be virtually effortless.


So, having only one player per server forces that playe rto interact with other players at some point, which is a good thing. Like I said I would love to have more than one player per server, but it is just not fesable.


that is my take.

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Make a character on a different server. It's that easy. Or if you're wanting to stay in contact with friends, drop some skills are either relearn them or learn different ones. Having multiple characters on the same server is about the worst thing that could happen to the game. People would exploit the obvious holes it would create that JWare mentioned, as well as many others that we haven't thought of yet. There's really no point either as you could just as easily go to a different server or just drop skills. Or if you really want a brand new character and you really want to be on the same server, I believe you can delete your character and make a new one.

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This is my take on it. I don't get alot of time to play due to my RL. I spend alot of time building up the onecharacter i am allowed to have. But I can't play around with all the other prof at the same time. I don't see a reason why we can't be allowed at least one more character slot. I'm not going to delete my only char just to try other prof. I don't want to delete skills just to try other ones..which is pointless since differant races have an effect on differant prof. Which means I'd have to delete which I already said I won't do. I see the points about not having another char slot but the points given all talk about EQ which allows for many characters. One extra char slot on the same server will NOT automatically cause cheating nor will it really allow for it. I say give us one more slot at least. It's bad enough you have to hack and slash your only char to the way the game wants just to open up the FS slot, but then that don't give you the one char you want to build up a certain way.

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I agree with all the points that were made about the use of multiple character for "cheating"... the economy would suffer...


But what I'm a little upset about is that IF I unlock my force sensitive slot, I will have to delete my First and Only character...


Because I've made so many good freinds on my server, BloodFin, I don't want to throw that all that away, that's all...




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But the economy is so hard already. I'm a Novice Tailor and no one WANTS anything really. The market is saturated and not interrested in apparences, but rather what mission is next?


BTW: If anyone wants anything, please ask me. I'm a novice tailor and need $$$ for my house and XP to move up

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I'm sure if you make quality products that are unique, people will buy them. It may take a bit of economics, but it should work.


Yes, that is the one downside I have seen. But I did hear something that made me believe that there was a difference with the FSCS and having another character on a server. I don't remember quite what or where though. I guess we'll all find out when we get there.

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yeah i don't like the idea. this is the kind of thing that would cater to the powergamer and put the more casual folks at a disadvantage. if you want to try other stuff make another character on another server. i don't think that's too bad of a compromise. if you have friends on one server i'm sure they're in the same boat and you could all make sure to make new guys on another server together.

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