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CMI -> Black Screen


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Ahoi there ! ;)


I've got a very annoying problem with Monkey Island 3.

Every time i want to start it the screen becomes black and i cant do anything. the cd seems to be working a bit but thats all.

I've got Win XP (Prof) and have tried already all kinds of programs (scummVm..) to solve the problem but it still doesnt work.

Please Please Help me, i need to satisfy my addiction... :D;)


tank you :)


PS: sorry for the bad english, but im still learning... ;)



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Talk us through everything and we'll see if we can help you. first of all, is the game legitimate (i.e. not a copy but actually bought from a computer game store). and secondly, what are the statistics of your machine (processor, RAM, memory and so on). You're main problem is probably that you're running windows XP, therefore, if you go back a page and click on first topic in this forum (the sticky) it should have a link to lec Q&E, but from what you've said, you may have already used that program, but it also has other useful tips in there.

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first of all: thanks for the prompt help ;)

and here the statistics:

- win xp prof

- intel pentium 3 700 Mhz

- 384 SDRAM

- nvidia geforce 2 mx

- original game


i just figured out, that the programs seem not to find the game.

is there anything that i could have made wrong during the installation ?

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I got Win XP and i had this problem with monkey 3 and i downloaded a unoffical patch so when i play the game i clcik on a new monkey island 3 runner (the thing that pops up when u 1si put CD in)


and the its for win xp and 2000.


Cant renember when i got it from but i think i typed in google


Patch for monkey 3

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