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Help With Modeling Sabers


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well, I was working on a milkshape hilt tutorial from start to finish, but the underwhelming response put the project on hold. IF you're using milkshape, then just import kyle's saber from assets0.pk3 (I think). Just rename the pk3 to zip and open it up (don't forget to name it back to pk3).


Once you import his saber, you can scale your lightsaber to his. Then delete his saber and his texture, but leave those floating triangles. The highest triangle along the y axis is where the blade shows and its direction. Then export to md3.


I'm pretty sure that is all accurate. I haven't reviewed that part in a while since I haven't gotten to that part of the tootorial.

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Yeah thats the only one I found that actually addressed the way that the tags were supposed to point.

I had a prob. with my blades coming out at odd angles.

But as far as a mesh for the tag they should have no material.

I imported them from another hilt and renamed *blade1 to tag_blade1 then moved them to where they should be for my new model.

Its all good now.

Good luck, ;)

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Originally posted by laghima

do any tutorials actually tell you to go through all of that? :confused:


It's actually not that tough. Not only do you get all the tags facing the correct direction--but you also get Kyle's saber to help scale your hilt correctly. I've seen tons of big turd saber hilts.:blubeam:

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is what I am trying to do: I am thinking of releasing a small mod with playing as a ninja in mind. To do this I want to make the silverblade mod (http://www.jediknightii.net/files/index.php?link=file&id=1065) for JO available in JA. I even tried renaming the saber folder in the pk3 to sith_sword, and it still wont work.


When I leave the folder named saber, the hilt shows but the blade doesnt.


It does work for JO, however. If you can help me in any way at all I thank you in advance,



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