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Monthly Content question


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i've posted this like ten times, but here's eleven:


those are different disks. they're not act I disks. these are x out of 4 and the act i disks were x out of 3 (might be the other way around but the total you need is different). these ones if you get all four you put them together and bring to an imperial recruiter for some $$$.


as for the waypoint - the waypoints to the commanders on the far away planets are all over the place. if you do a little research you can find them, head to the commander and re-get the waypoint (there's a part in the conversation the effect of 'give me the waypoint again')

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Well I went to the Rebel commander on Lok and he gave me a new mission and I hired some guy to help me and I now have my Act 2 badge. Kind of pisses me off though because when I submitted a cs ticket they told me this was a known problem and they were working on it. They did not tell me I could go to a Rebel commander and get a new mission. But anyway, it took us 2 tries to kill all the imps so I tiped the guy who helped me 20,000 credits instead of the 10,000 I had promised. I don't understand why they would make these missions so hard when you go solo. They should be based on group size and what skills the group has. I'm not saying they should make it as easy as missions from the mission terminal but one person against 6 stormtroopers just is not right.

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Well thats all fine and good unless you are like me and get 1 fps. You know how hard it is to play at 1 fps? I am pistoleer 1 2 3 2 and I have to have a pet and droid or it is impossible for me to do most missions. And the more people there are around the worse it is so you can see why groups are not an option for someone like me.

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Originally posted by Diables

Well thats all fine and good unless you are like me and get 1 fps. You know how hard it is to play at 1 fps? I am pistoleer 1 2 3 2 and I have to have a pet and droid or it is impossible for me to do most missions. And the more people there are around the worse it is so you can see why groups are not an option for someone like me.


honestly - good. the fact you think this game should be made for somebody who isn't meeting th games requirements is pretty ridiculous.

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I did this mission solo and I an a novice Pistoleer 0010.


Got mission on Lok and headed towards base (usually around 2000m - 2200m away).


When at the base, cycle through targets (6 stormies and one officer).


Target the officer. Hit him with HS2 & HS1 (or higher HS if you have it).


Burst run away. He will chase you for a bit.


When all is calm. Approach base again. Wait until stormies turn back to yellow.


Target office again. He won't heal.


Repeat. You will eventaully kill him and he will drop a pass-key, which you just happen to pick up aver 100m away. Nice!


Wait until stormies turn yellow again and enter base.


Tada. You're all done.

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