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interesting ... (force gripping bodies)


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Originally posted by Iblis Reborn

damn those *evil forumer out to get eager JA n00bs*

Evil they are!



but yeah i had alot of fun with that

its too bad we cant use corpses as weapons in MP


Too bad MP's combat system isn't like SP's. So many force combos would be possible with that :( (+the kick cvar)

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just so you know I am not a noob :) I have been around since the DF days. Though I would be a noob in terms if I were ever to play MP which I don't cause well I SUCK :) I tried mp with JKDF2 and well never did good so I just stick to SP

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Originally posted by BJP3E

did anyone else here know you can force grip a dead body ? kind fun to fling a dead body around the room LOL

Originally posted by Samuel Dravis

It is quite amusing to knock over a bunch of stormies with their commander's body. Or anyone's body, for that matter.

Originally posted by BJP3E

that or I just like holding the limp body mid air and then dicing it

Originally posted by Butt_Whisper

I like to slam stormies from ceiling to floor repeatedly with grip. I then look at their twisted corpses.

Originally posted by mytmous

I had fun in the upper levels of SP of gripping a stormy and slaming him into the Trip Mines, that way I don't have to get close to them. most of the time the body disappears when the mines go BOOM.

I see you are all on the path of light and honour and will soon become great Jedi :rolleyes::D

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Originally posted by BJP3E

just so you know I am not a noob :) I have been around since the DF days. Though I would be a noob in terms if I were ever to play MP which I don't cause well I SUCK :) I tried mp with JKDF2 and well never did good so I just stick to SP



Dont worry, try JA mp. Its designed for people like you in mind.

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Originally posted by Prime

Yes it is, and this was the goal of Raven.


Which I can tell you don't like very much... :)



A game with nothing to practice and train for is a dead game.

No clans=less servers.

Sure unskillful players like the game, but when they try to get better, they find theres no 'higher level' to aim for. Thus they see no point in practicing and leave.

So the game can only thrive as long as enough new copies can be continously sold. February maybe?

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Though I would be a noob in terms if I were ever to play MP which I don't cause well I SUCK


I merely said it was designed for people like you. You insulted yourself and I said it doesnt matter if you're a bad player, because JA is designed for bad players.

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how do I insult myself by being honest LOL I would suck as I am with you people I would not be one of those folks that likes to go over kill on force use thusly be an easy target more often than not


as for not needing practice well if you played JK then you already know a mjor amount about the game play ahead of time needing only to adjust to the new saber styles


but thats just my opinion

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Originally posted by Comm539

A game with nothing to practice and train for is a dead game.

No clans=less servers.

Sure unskillful players like the game, but when they try to get better, they find theres no 'higher level' to aim for. Thus they see no point in practicing and leave.

So the game can only thrive as long as enough new copies can be continously sold. February maybe?

Oh well. If it dies it dies, and it is onto something else. It is fun in the meantime, and there will always be SP for me.


I'm sure there will always be some servers out there, such as the one Kurgan has and the one I sometimes run. There will always be some place to play, no doubt, and there will always be a few players to play against.

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Comm539, you sound like you're just bitter and jealous because you're no good at the game (just what it sounds like).


But seriously, stop being a troll. If you don't like the game, by all means, go visit another forum. Why waste your time here? OR are you also a "bad player" like you say this game was designed for?


Besides, that statement makes no sense... are you really trying to say you don't like JA because you were a master of JK2 and aren't at JA (as if you should have automatically been a master at both games)?


That's like saying Quake3 is a bad game because you're not as good as it as you were at Quake2 because it's different, and therefore Quake3 is designed for "bad players."


The tired old "this game takes no skill and therefore it sucks" cliche holds no water...


A silly and illogical criticism of a game if you ask me.


Why is it an "insult"? Try rephrasing it this way:


JA takes no skill.


JA is for n00bs.


JA is for people who can't learn.


JA is for stupid people.


That's how its being interpreted. Surely you're not so dense not to see that. That's why people are offended. You're saying they're morons for enjoying the game that this forum is devoted to!


Oh and 1,000 players at any given time for a game that's been out 43 days? The sky is falling, the game is dead!!!


ps: JK2 has less players right now and it's been out over a year.. this supposedly superior game for "skilled players." hmmf


JA has "no clans"? How arrogant of you to assume that because your clan isn't into JA that the clans that are "don't count." I'm sure all the JA playing clans (and new ones are surfacing all the time) are deeply hurt by your sweeping generalizations about them.


To me you sound like somebody who's afraid of change. You don't like the changes in the new game, you resent the people who like the game and you want things to go back to how they were in the JK2 community. Sorry buddy, but time marches on... you can do what you like, but people can and will get the new game and like it, and that doesn't make them "n00bs" or stupider than you for choosing something.


Anyway.... moving on (sorry for the rant and contributing to getting the thread OFF TOPIC) back to the topic:


umm, i knew u could on sp, but, kurgan, i think said he found out a way on mp to push, pull and grip bodies around. Anyone know it???


In MP if you use the \broadsword 1 (client side) command, this turns on ragdoll physics in JA. When you kill somebody in MP you get a split second after they are killed to push or pull their body (and it will get tossed around). Basically you can do all kinds of stuff to their body (until they respawn in which case their body is stuck in place). I have never tried to grip a body, but it might be possible if ragdoll is one.


In fact I'll be sure to test that next chance I get... ; )

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