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I have a question, I want to know if it has been answered before. Here is the e-mail I sent with the question in it.


Dear SWG Support,


Firstly, I'll say great game. Very addicting.


Now, I'll ask my question:


Is it against the EULA to have multiple characters on the same account accessing different servers at the same time. Now, I've never tried to log-in multiple times but I don't really see a big problem with this as it can be used for macroing, making customers happy, etc. This may sound dumb to you, but I'm curious.


If I made the question a bit confusing, I'll just clarify [i have a bad habit of making stuff confusing]:


User A logs on. He gets on computer 1 and logs onto his account and macros char1 on server1. He then goes to computer 2 and logs onto SWG with the same account and plays with char2 on server2. Is this a violation of the rule.


I have not yet done this, just curious. I'm submitting this at anonymous because a lot of online games jump to conclusions and become convinced that you are exploiting crap when you're simply asking a question.


Really sorry you have to read all this crap, I hope they pay you well for answering my sub-par questions.






P.S. I forgot to give my last e-mail the proper subject line so it will probably be ignored.


Sorry if it's a bit long, I can't be assed to condense it.

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