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Fort Tusken


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If you have never been to fort tusken you must go. you get there from mos espa on tatooine. If you are a rebel groups form all the time from ah on starsider. Easily 100k pistol xp each time I go and it is really cool place. How many others find themselves going there all the time?

If you never been head to -4000 6435 on tatooine. But make sure you take a group :)

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oh i have been there from time to time... but i have found that in a large group .... xp sucks.


i went there with a PA buddy of mine. (bogey) and he and me cleared out the place on our own (with a little help from my pet gurreck) and we had a lot of fun and a lot of xp :)

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Fort Tusken is much harder than it used to be...not that long ago, 2 advanced combat classes (as long as 1 was an advanced Doctor) could clear the place easily. Seems that the devs have given the Tuskens more advanced combat capabilities (and rightly so, I mean it should be a tough battle). For instance, I was recently killed by a sniper from about 15m away...a new experience for me, given that they usually need to be close to deathblow you. Plus they have lots of new classes of Tuskens, most of which are tougher than normal Raiders.


I still like going there, as it is a good source of xp when there aren't too many people. But bring a doctor that can revive, otherwise it'll be a short trip........

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